design wohnzimmer

design wohnzimmer

yeah hi its came from here computing editorat separate out calm and today we're here to look at the raspberry pi 3 thepi3 is the fastest version of the microcomputer yet and introduce newfeatures such as bluetooth and wi-fi but it hasn't abandoned its core principlesit still costs just there to five dollars and runs raspbian a free versionof linux deviant that you can use to download programming tools and thenumber of basic programs and utilities so it's three the magic number let's find out can you get work done onit

document always need not fear as robincomes with the open source libreoffice three suite installed it includes a wordprocessor spreadsheet editor a formula editor and the presentation creatorgiving you the basic tools you need to be productive you can also access cloud-based softwareprograms like google docs through the raspberry pi threes epiphany browser andif you need more programs you can install them in just a few clicks can you play games on it ok it's notgoing to rain fall out for any time soon but the raspberry pi three packs a punchfor small size pairing a 64-bit arm

cortex 853 card processor with anupgraded video call for gpu is almost twice as fast as the one in the previousgeneration pi the latest pi/3 comes with a specialedition of minecraft that's designed for learning programming rather thanbattling creepers but there are a number of other gamesyou can play to some of the best adventure games have been ported to thepi including beneath a steel sky light of the amazon queen and even the classicbroken sword can use it anywhere in the house one of the best things about theraspberry pi 3 is that it no longer

forces you to connect it to our roomsare using the white cable thanks to inbuilt wi-fi you can use it with amonitor anywhere in the house which is particularly useful if you want to sitnext to a big tv and use it as a media center the pi also has bluetooth for the firsttime meaning you can connect compatible keyboard and mouse to surf the web fromthe comfort of your sulfur can you download a different browser theraspberry pi 3 isn't going to be as quick as your regular computer when itcomes to surfing the web but it is significantly faster than previousversions thanks to 64-bit arm processor

if you're not keen on the look off speedof the default epiphany browse that there are several options available toyou firefox clone iceweasel is a popularchoice and there's also web and midori they are packed with features such ashtml5 css javascript and plug-in supports and because the lightweight youcan browse the web watch youtube videos and play flashgames with minimum slow down can you run it in 4k you might bewondering if the raspberry pi can be used with that shiny 4k tv you boughtlast week but unfortunately the answer is that it's not quite there yet

while it's technically possible to getthe mini machine two outputs a pixel resolution of 3840 x 2160 you arelimited to be very low refresh rate which makes the pie feel slower than ahedgehog wading through treacle for all of its incredible value the pi3 is stillprimed for using at 1920 x 1080 also known as 1080p there's nothing stopping you hooking theopportunity for cate le but you are better off sticking to 1080p to use thepi to silky smooth 60 heads can you use it to land the program youwon't get any prizes for guessing the answer to this one

the pi is upgraded specs make it a muchmore useful computer than previous versions but it is still one that'sdesigned for programming the raspberry pi 3 is improved performance low costand wide range of tools make it ideal for letting too cold raspbian comes with severalpre-installed tools to help you on the way including ones for learning wolframmathematica sonic pi and of course scratch can you use it to brew craft beer theraspberry pi 3 is a computer of many talents and helping you to brew theperfect craft beer is one of them using

a program called brew target you cancalculate what you'll need to brew beer in more than 100 styles includingbelgian pale english ipa and side you can set temperatures and aim to get yourbeer the perfect color for brewing as long as you've got the space to do it all things considered the raspberry piis incredible value and it's impressive the amount of things that you can dowith it if you're looking for a cheap small pcto replace your desktop and you don't mind putting up with a slightly slowerexperience with some of the things you do on it

the raspberry pi 3 is an excellentchoice thanks for liking thanks for subscribing and we will seeyou next time

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