wandgestaltung wohnzimmer aubergine

wandgestaltung wohnzimmer aubergine

i bear witness that there is noneworthy of worship except god and i bear witness that muhammad (saw)is his servant and messenger after this i seek refuge with allah,from satan, the accursed. in the name of allah,the gracious, the merciful. all praise belongs to allah,lord of all the worlds. the gracious,the merciful. master of theday of judgment. thee alone do we worship andthee alone do we implore for help. guide us in the right path;

the path of those on whomthou hast bestowed thy blessings, those who have notincurred thy displeasure, and those who havenot gone astray. there are many people in theworld who engage in nonsensical, thoughtless and meaningless(“laghv”) discussions and talk. some say senseless thingswhen joking with others, leading to confrontationsand problems arising. others speak on completelypointless things in gatherings which do no benefit anyone present inany way, they speak just for the sake of it

or at times speak tauntingly andinsultingly to others and hurt their feelings. apart from wasting time,nothing else is achieved. the lexical meaning of “laghv” is conversationthat is unneeded and devoid of benefit. it also means one who engages in worthlessand ignorant talk without thought or reason. in the holy qur’an allah almightyhas prohibited a true believer from indulging in vain and pointlessdiscussions. hazrat musleh maud (ra) has explained this commandantof allah almighty in one instance by mentioning an account that thepromised messiah (as) would relate. “ the sign of a true believer isthat he or she moves away

when they observe somethingthat is vain and futile.” however it is extremely regretfulthat although women are always drawn to vain pursuits. though men todayhave also fallen to the same condition. women for example needlesslyand normally ask others “how much did you buy these clothes for?”these trivial discussions are pointless. “where did you get this jewellery made?”is conversation that is merely worldly and materialisticand is meaningless. often such talk has negativeeffects on other women around. a woman is restless until she discovers theentire history of the item under discussion.

the promised messiah (as) would relate: “a women had a ring made but noone noticed it or gave it any attention. "it was a very beautiful gold ring.frustrated, she burnt down her house. "people asked ‘was anything saved?’ "to which she replied ‘only thisring survived and nothing else!’ "another woman asked, ‘sister,where did you get this ring made from? ‘it is stunning.’ she replied, ‘ifonly you had asked me this before, my house would nothave burnt down.’ “ hazrat muslehe maud (ra) says:

“this practice is not limited to womenalone; but rather men too often engage “in completely pointless interrogation.after greeting with ‘peace be on you’ “they begin to ask ‘where have youcome from? where are you going? how much do you earn?’ but why do theyneed to delve into other people’s affairs?” hazrat muslehe maud (ra) cites the example ofwestern countries and the english and says: “they never ask one another ‘what isyour profession, what is your education, what is your salary? they do not harbour amentality of poking into other people’s lives.” thus “laghv” does not only infer somethingthat causes pain and injury to others, rather “laghv” is alsoanything meaningless and futile.

the promised messiah (as) explains this at oneplace in the following manner when he says: “any such act which does notinflict particular harm or hurt.” in other words there are thingsthat do not necessarily hurt others but are still pointlessand meaningless. thus it is a condition upon a true believerthat his or her words and conversation should always be meaningful and he or sheshould refrain from futile and worthless talk. however when we assess thesituation we observe that many people frequently speakcompletely without purpose. now i will present some more accountsthat provide a lesson and example to us.

these have been conveyedby hazrat muslehe maud (ra) and were related by the promised messiah (as).hazrat muslehe maud (ra) says: “the promised messiah (as) used to relatea joke. once a sweeper who lived in a village, “and who for a living lifted loads or pickedup rubbish/garbage, was passing by lahore. “he saw that there was great mourning,commotion and wailing in the city. “hindus, muslims, menand women were all crying. “the sweeper enquired from someone whatwas going on, to which he received the answer ‘maharaja ranjeet singh has died.’ ” “amongst the sikh governments inthat era reigned some very infamous

“and disreputable maharajas.however there is no doubt - “and i have definitely heard thepromised messiah (as) say this as well - “that maharaja ranjeet singhestablished peace in his era “and to a large degree eradicated ills.the accounts we hear of cruelties “perpetrated on the muslims bythe sikhs relate to other time periods “when the government wasfragmented across very small areas, “looting and violence was rampant,and lawlessness was prevalent. “maharaja ranjeet singhalways strove to establish peace. and he extended good treatmentto muslims to an extent.”

hazrat muslehe maud (ra) explains further: “ranjeet singh’s ministerswere also muslims. “our grandfather (the promised messiah’s (as)father) was also among his generals “and many other muslims served inhigh-ranking positions under ranjeet singh. “thus all of the people were traumatisedand were weeping upon his death “because they had witnessed howhe brought peace in the country “and they recalled the disorderand strife prevalent prior to him. “seeing this lamentation the sweepertried to find out the reason behind it “and he was told ‘mahajra ranjeet singhhas died.’ the sweeper looked in shock

“at the face of the persontelling him this and enquired ‘why are people wailing sorestlessly upon his death? people like my dad have died so thenwho is maharaja ranjeet singh?’ "after telling this joke thepromised messiah (as) would say: 'people value and regard thatwhich they consider to be great. 'the sweeper’s father treatedthe sweeper well, and thus 'the sweeper rememberedhim with great affection. 'although hundreds of thousandsof people received good treatment 'from maharaja ranjeet singh, thesweeper was not one of those many people.

'he also did not have theawareness and discernment 'to comprehend the benefit to the countryand the peace established by the maharaja - 'and that this nationalpeace was a massive issue. 'this meant nothing to the sweeper in comparisonto what had benefitted him as an individual. 'thus in his understanding thereal point of regard was his father 'whom he felt respecting was necessary. hethought that when his own father had died, why did it matter that maharajaranjeet singh had also died?' ” in short, in the world the importanceof man’s individual needs leads him to considering small and minorthings as huge and significant.

and due to ignorance man ignoresthose things that are huge and important. if a young child is handed the most preciousdiamond, what value will he give it? thus a true believer shouldstrive to establish their worth and value through their behaviour and conduct,through treating others compassionately, through extending benefit toothers and through being kind. one’s self worth and valueshould not be limited in scope. it should not be the case that only thoseclose to a person lament their passing. rather the society where he or she livesshould have respect and regard for them. everybody has his or her own circle.when an ahmadi presents a pious image

within their circle it not onlybenefits them on an individual level, in fact it becomes a means of establishing thegood and pious reputation of the community. this is how avenues of propagatingthe message of islam are opened. the world comes to realise that onlyif an ahmadi spreads his or her influence will mankind learn of the reality ofislam. the world will come to know that islam’s teachings alone arethe true teachings that will enable peace and security to beestablished in the world today. thus every one of us needsto strive within our circles to fill the gap ofknowledge in people.

some people believe they have achieveda great deal after only minimal sacrifice. there are yet others who do not even offerany sacrifice yet are deluded to believe they have done so and remind othersof the favours they did for them. the promised messiah (as)would relate an account with reference to people of this type: “a person invited someone fordinner and spared no inconvenience “in extending as much hospitality ashe could to him. as the guest was leaving, “the host apologised and cited hiswife being ill and other obligations “as to why he was unableto serve the guest properly.

“he said he hoped the guest wouldforgive him and overlook this. “after hearing this the guest replied, ‘i knowthe motive behind what you are saying. ‘you wish for me to praise you andaccept that i have been favoured by you. ‘do not expect this from me, in fact ifanything you should accept the favour i have extended to you.’ the hostresponded, ‘it was absolutely not my intention ‘to boast of any favour i havedone for you. i am truly ashamed ‘that i could not provide youhospitality fully. do inform me if you feel you have extended a favourto me and i will thank you for it.’ the guest said, ‘regardless of what you say,i know full well the motive in your heart

(in other words he was starting to [apparently]see the condition of a person’s heart). ‘but remember, all youdid was give me food, ‘what more kindness and favourhave you extended then only this? ‘the favour i have bestowed on you isfar greater. take a look at your room. ‘there is equipment here in this drawing roomwhere you seated me worth thousands in value. ‘if i wished i could have burnt all ofthis when you went inside to get the food. ‘you tell me yourself, ‘would even one penny have been left ofthe equipment if i had set everything alight? ‘but i did not do so and so is this asmall favour that i have done for you?’

“hearing this the host exclaimed, ‘indeed,you have done a huge favour on me and i extend my thanks to you for this aswell that you did not burn my house down.’ “so observe, there are people of this typewho instead of extending gratitude to one “who has shown favour and kindness, believethey have done a favour themselves. “thus a true believer should be thankfulto one who truly is compassionate “and kind to him and should notforget someone’s favour to them, like the person in this account.” at one place hazrat muslehe maud (ra)has counseled missionaries and cites an example that would berelated by the promised messiah (as).

“hazrat sahib (thepromised messiah (as)) would relate: ‘there was a king who was adevout follower of a spiritual guide ‘and would constantly say to hisminister ‘go meet my spiritual guide.’ ‘as the minister knew the realitybehind this spiritual guide, ‘he kept evading the matter. finally one daywhen the king went to meet his spiritual guide, ‘he took his minister along with him. thespiritual guide addressed the king and said, ‘o king! serving the religionis a very noble endeavour. ‘alexander the great served islam andhe is renowned for this until today (if i have related this account before withreference to another subject matter).

‘hearing this the minister said, ‘look yourholiness. in addition to being a saint, ‘the spiritual guide is also anexpert historian! alexander the great ‘who the spiritual guide isreferring to came before islam (in others words [he said ironically] that thespiritual guide was not just a friend of allah but also appeared to be a great historian- he had invented a new history). the king developed hatred tothe spiritual guide after this.’ after relating this account thepromised messiah (as) would say: ‘having knowledge of the topic beingdiscussed in a gathering is very important. ‘a person is insignificant in the eyes ofothers unless he is familiar with the subject.

‘it is also vital to be mindful ofthe etiquettes of a gathering. ‘if a senior scholar walks into agathering and simply lies down, ‘no one will regard his knowledge.it will have an adverse effect on people. ‘therefore it is crucial that a missionarygoing to any type of gathering or event ‘should have knowledge of it beforehand. everymissionary should have enough knowledge ‘of the following to be able toparticipate in events and functions: ‘knowledge of geography, history,mathematics, medicine, oratory, ‘etiquettes of any event and soon. this is not difficult at all. ‘through a small amount of effort thislevel of knowledge can be achieved.

‘the elementary books of every aforementionedfield should be studied to acquire this. ‘in addition our missionariesare asked questions nowadays ‘regarding currentaffairs in the modern era. sometimes the missionaries do not regularlyread newspapers or listen to the news they do not have knowledge of the issue orthey have not studied in-depth into the subject. hence worldly people are sometimesleft with a bad impression. people send complaintsat times about this. thus they must acquire knowledgeof current affairs and it is imperative they attain familiarity with the topic to bediscussed any event or function they attend.

the promised messiah (as) hasrelated an example and says: “a person had two sons anddistributed his wealth amongst them. “the younger travelled far away andwasted his money in malpractices. “ultimately he earned a living byworking as a tender (feeding cattle etc). “he lost everything and had towork as a labourer. in this dire state, “he thought to himself, ‘the labourerswho work for my father receive ample food ‘whereas here i am starving, despite doinglabour work. why don’t i go to him ‘and ask him to use me as a laboureralso.’ so he went to his father “who was overjoyedto see his son. he hugged him

“and ordered his servants to bring a veryhealthy and fresh calf to be slaughtered to eat “and rejoice. the other son who hadalso been given some of the wealth “was running an excellent trade andbusiness. he was very upset that the son “who had lost everything wasbeing given such a warm welcome “and given so much consideration.he said to his father, ‘i have been serving you for so many yearsand have never disobeyed you in anything ‘yet you have never even given me agoat’s child to celebrate with my friends. ‘yet this son has arrived here, who wastedall your money in luxuries and extravagance, ‘you had a healthy calf slaughteredfor him.’ the father said,

‘you are always going to remain withme and everything i have is yours. ‘but i have celebrated upon the arrival ofyour brother because he was dead before, and now he has returned to life(he was lost and has now been discovered).’ “thus a person who mistakesan error or folly and confesses “and acknowledges to his mistake,and submits to allah almighty thereafter “in prostration and in remorse,will certainly have his prayers accepted by allah almighty, who will bestowhis mercy even more than before.” therefore, while adopting theattributes of allah almighty, where a true believer desires forallah almighty to treat him in a certain way,

there he should also, again whileadopting the attributes of god almighty, try and forgive his brothers who have donewrong but are sincere in their forgiveness and admit to their faults. a true believer shouldoverlook their faults, even pray for those who do not seek forgiveness that may allahalmighty forgive their sins as well as ours and may he overlook [our faults]. a personshould remain firm in his demeanour in all situations and shouldn’tfalter in it at any time. the promised messiah (as) used to say: “a raja [king] once ate an aubergineand he liked it very much (many people will have heard this tale).

“when he came into his court, he remarked,‘how wonderful are aubergines!’ “and so, one of his attendantsalso began to praise aubergines. he said, ‘look at its face, howperfect it is! its head is like a saint’s head ‘supporting a green turban on itshead and has a bluish complexion ‘similar to the colour of the sky.it’s hanging from its plant as if a prince is rocking on a swing.’he gave it all kinds of compliments. “he recounted all of its medicinalqualities. after listening to this, “the raja [king] became interested in auberginesand started eating them for the next few days. “however, because aubergines developheat within the body, therefore he became ill.

“and so, one day the raja saidthat aubergines are awful. “the same attendant then began tospeak negatively about the aubergine. he said, ‘look at its face, its so black! itsfeet are blue and what can be worse than that it is dangling upside down asif being hanged at the gallows.’ (the promised messiah (as) states) “everything has its good and bad qualitiesand flaws and the attendant went on “to also describe all its flawsfrom a medicinal perspective. “among those who were sat nearby,one of them said, ‘what is this? ‘before you were describing its qualitiesand today you are mentioning its flaws.

at least speak the truth’ the attendantreplied, ‘i am the servant of the raja, not the aubergine!’ ” today, the general condition of themuslims in the world is similar to this and by observing them we should take alesson. in regards to one’s character and demeanour, a muslim shouldbe the most resolute in his character. unfortunately however, themuslims have the worst character. staying firm on the truth is out of the questionfor them. wherever they see any benefit they turn towards it, whether it bethe leaders or the general populace. to remain firm on the truth requiresthat one should form his opinion

while keeping in view of what is wrong andright and give his suggestion [based on that]. i will relate another incident which isregarding the relationship with allah almighty. it is the relationship with allah almightythat truly provides a resolve to all issues and this relationship becomesstronger through righteousness. and, we ahmadis, who claim to liveaccording to the true teachings of islam after having acceptedthe promised messiah (as), we would therefore need to look towardsallah almighty and form a relationship with him in every situation. our success cannever be attained through worldly means. we shall succeed if we have righteousnessand the fear of allah almighty

and try to develop this within us.in such instances, the angels will smoothen our path, god willing. thus, every one of us needsto ponder over the fact that we need to try and develop righteousnessand form a relationship with god almighty. we see in all kinds of situations thata worldly person’s relationship with another worldly personcan provide great benefit, however a relationship with god almighty can granthundreds of thousands of times greater benefit. regarding this the promised messiah (as) used to narrate a story that aperson was once going on travel

and entrusted some ofhis money to a judge. after some time, he returnedand asked for his money, however the judge’sintentions changed and he replied, “sir, behold your senses, what money?and when did you entrust me anything?” the man had not taken any writtencontract because he thought that the judge’s character alonewas sufficient enough assurance. the judge said, “if you had entrusted me withsome money then produce the evidence for it; bring a receipt or a witness.” he triedall he could in order to remind him of it, however the judge insisted that he had lost hissenses and that he had not given him any money.

and so, he submittedhis complaint to the king. the king said, “according to the ruleof law, i cannot do anything for you “and i have no choice but togive the decision against you “because you have nothing inwriting, no witness and no evidence. “however, if you are telling the truth thenthere is one way which you can benefit from, “which i can tell you. on such and such a day,there will be a procession in my honour and “the judge will also be standing outside his dooand i will be touring the streets of the city. “you should try andstand nearby him “and i will come to you and willbegin conversing with you informally

“and i will ask you whyyou didn’t come to visit me “and that i have not seen you fora long time, and you will reply that you had some troublesand therefore could not come.” and so, that is exactly what the mandid and on the day of the procession, he stood next to the judge. when the kingcame, instead of speaking to the judge, he began speaking to the man and the kingsaid that he had not seen him for a long time, the man spoke of his travelsand the king then asked him why he did not come to visit himupon his return and the man replied that he was facing some problemsand had to make some collections.

the king responded, ‘no! no!you should have come to visit me and you should always first come to see me.’when the king’s procession had passed by, the judge said to the man, ‘sir! you cameto me the other day and were mentioning ‘that you had entrusted me with something.i have become very old now ‘and my memory doesn’t serve me well,therefore tell me something about it so that i can remember it.’ the man repeated thesame things he had already mentioned to the judge and the judge said, ‘oh yes, it was suchand such kind of bag that belonged to you, it is here, you can collect it.’ the judgethen brought the money and gave it to him. the promised messiah (as)used to narrate this story and say,

“one should not fear fromthe opposition of the world. “even the biggest general can onlyharm you with swords or bullets, “however these all belong to allahalmighty. if he commands “that one should not direct the attackin this direction, who can then do it? “thus, a person should become friendswith allah almighty and should love him. “fear and violence can achievenoting. the only path to success is “that one should give himself over intothe hand of god almighty and wherever he wishes to take one, heshould go in that direction.” what is the example of a true believer?

the promised messiah (as) used to liken theexample of a true believer with a true friend. he used to say that there was a wealthyman and his son had some friends who were hoodlums. his father told hisson that they are not his true friends and they merely come to him becauseof their own selfish motives and none of them are truly loyal to him.however, the son replied to his father, “it seems that you never had theopportunity to have true friends, “which is why you entertain such a viewabout everyone. my friends are not like that, they are very loyal and are readyto sacrifice their life for me.” the father again tried to explain to himthat true friends are very difficult to find

and throughout his whole life heonly ever found one true friend but his son remained firm on his view. one day the son asked for some moneyfrom his home but his father told him that he could no longer tolerate hisexpenses and he should ask his friends as he did not have anythingto give him at the time. the father actually was trying tocreate an opportunity for his son to be able to put his friends to the test.when his father refused [to give him money] and his friends also learnt of this, they stoppedmeeting him and socialising with him. eventually, he became annoyed and decidedthat he will go and meet them himself.

whichever friend’s house he would knockon they would either send a message out that they were not home and were out, or thatthey were not well and could not meet him. he spent the whole day wandering aroundbut none of his friends came out to see him. when he returned home in theevening, his father asked, ‘tell me, what help did your friends offer you?’he replied, ‘nothing, they are all deceitful and made all kinds of excuses’.the father the said, ‘didn’t i tell you ‘that none of them are loyal? it is goodthat you have experienced it for yourself. now come! i will introduce you to myfriend.’ he went to a place that was nearby where his friend was servingas a police officer at a station

and both the father and the son arrivedat his house. they knocked on his door and heard a voice from insidesaying that he was about to come but no one came despitestanding there for a long time. the son began to think of all kinds ofdifferent thoughts and said to his father, ‘father, it seems as if your friend isjust like my friends’. the father replied, ‘just wait a little longer’. after sometime had passed, he opened the door and came out with a sword dangling downfrom his neck, a small bag in one hand and holding his wife’s hand in the other.after opening the door, he straight away said, ‘forgive me, i have troubled you bytaking so long to open the door.

the reason why i got delayedwas because when you knocked, i realised that today it must be somethingserious as you have come yourself otherwise you could have sent a servant. i wasabout to open the door but a thought came to me that perhaps you arein some difficulty, therefore i had these three items, a sword,a bag containing a few hundred rupees which i saved over a year and my wife in order tooffer help in case you have any trouble at home. the reason why i gotdelayed was because this bag was hidden under the groundand so it took a while to take it out. i thought that maybe you arefacing some kind of trouble

in which it involves taking one’s life,therefore i took hold of this sword so that if you need my life,i can offer it to you. also, i thought that eventhough you are a wealthy man, however you may be facing a troublein which you have lost money and so i may be able to help youwith money, therefore i got this bag. then i thought that sinceillnesses are attached to person, maybe someone in your house isunwell, therefore i brought my wife so that she could help’. the richman responded, ‘my friend, at this moment, i don’t require any help and iam not facing any trouble at this moment either.

i only came to teach my son a lesson.’the promised messiah (as) says that “this is true friendship and one should try toform an even truer friendship with allah almighty “he should be ready to sacrifice hislife, wealth and all his possessions. “just like friends who sometimeslisten to their friends “and sometimes they maketheir friends listen to them. “similarly, it is the duty of man tosacrifice in the way of allah almighty “with a truthful and satisfied heart. allahalmighty listens to our many demands. “we benefit from the blessings hehas bestowed upon us day and night. “we utilise the things he hascreated for our pleasure and comfort.

“what right do we have to seekbenefit from so many blessings? “allah almighty fulfilsso many of our desires “and if at times somethinghappens against our desire, “then how do people becomedisheartened from allah almighty. “a true relationship is such that in hardshipand ease, in both conditions, there is stability. there should beno difference in this.” hence, those people who do notoffer the rights of offering prayers should analyse themselves. thosepeople who do not fulfil the oath of giving precedence to faith over worldlyaffairs should analyse themselves.

those people who camehere because of ahmadiyyat, however, after arriving here they forgotthat they have obtained their citizenship because of ahmadiyyat. for this reason, theyshould come forward to serve the community as much as possible but they forget thisand sometimes they start raising objections. such people are neithergood worshipers nor loyal. loyalty is, the promised messiah (as) statedthat in hardship and ease, in difficult times and in times of comfort, there should be ahigh level established in both conditions. one should always be on the threshold ofallah almighty and ever ready to offer sacrifice for his sake. just now i have narrated anincident about the prophets and the servants

of allah almighty and those who fulfil the rightof this friendship, how is that applicable here? how is that applicable here?hazrat musleh maud (ra) has presented this in a very beautiful and veryinteresting manner that “where there is love,proof is not demanded. “[in such a circumstance] manannounces his obedience at first. “then he thinks how to comply with theorder. such is the condition of prophets. “when the first word ofallah almighty is revealed, “then there is so much love ofallah almighty in their hearts “that they do not ask for evidence.when the voice of god reaches their ears,

“they do not say ‘o our lord,are you making a jest of us? “what is our status as compared to thiswork?’ rather they say ‘o our lord, yes’ “and they get ready for the work andafterwards they think what should be done. “this is what the holy prophet (saw) did andthis is what the promised messiah (as) did “that night when god said ‘get up and prepare[yourself] for the guidance of the world’ “and he got up immediately. afterwards, hestarted thinking how this will i do this work. hence, fifty years ago from today” at that time it was fifty years and todayit has been approximately 125 years, rather, 126-127 years.

he says that “fifty years ago from today,that historic night which was to be proven “as a powerful tactic for the future selectionin the world, which was to be determined “as the preliminary night and day ofthe new world. if we were to envision “and conceive the view of that night thencertainly our hearts will perceive this happiness “from a different point of view.how many of us ponder over the fact “that this happiness has been grantedto them as a result of which moment” that is, those people who took the oath ofallegiance of the promised messiah (as) “this joy was bestowed uponthem as a result of which moment. “after which night did this day of successand prosperity dawned upon them.

“many people passed away whilewaiting for the promised messiah (as). “but those who accepted him they think that;this day, happiness, joy, success and prosperity “was bestowed upon themas a result of that moment “and that night during which a man allalone who was considered insignificant “in the sight of the world and whowas deprived of all worldly provisions, “god told him to get up and get ready forthe guidance of the world and he replied “ ‘o my lord, i am ready.’ this was theloyalty, this was the true sight of love “which god accepted and he bestowedhim with his grace and mercy. both weeping and laughing aredistant from the grandeur of allah.”

neither does allah almightycry nor does he laugh. “however, such emotions are expressedin conversations and words of love.” as it is mentioned in the hadith that allah almighty was pleased and he laughed whena companion (ra) was hospitable to his guests. therefore, he says that “i say thatif it was even possible for god to cry, or if it was even possible for godto laugh then at the time when god told the promised messiah (as) that ‘i appointyou for the reformation of the world’ and he stood up immediatelyand he did not even think that ‘how will i be able to accomplish this task?’if at that time it was possible for god to cry

then i am certain that god would have cried.and if it was possible for god to laugh then he would certainly laughed.he would have laughed at this absurd claim of a weak andfeeble person against the entire world and he would have cried at the passion oflove that this solitary soul expressed for god. this was that sincere friendship whichgod accepted and it is this type of friendship that also proves beneficial in the world. thenhe mentioned the incident about two friends, which i have narrated, about apoor person and a rich person. then he says that “from a worldly perspectivethis is a magnificent example of friendship” which has been narrated earlier “man cannotlive without severe commotion in his heart

“after witnessing such emotions. butthe expression of this friendship “is nothing compared to the friendshipprophets express towards god. “there are difficulties atevery step [of that friendship]. “sacrifices have to be offered atevery step [of that friendship]. “difficulties have to be faced atevery step [of that friendship]. “hence, the response of the prophetsto their god is similar or even greater “than the reply that the poorperson gave to the rich person. “no doubt, if one was to look at thisintellectually and ponder over it logically, “then this act of the poor person islaughable because this rich person

“had thousands of servants. “what extra service was his wifegoing to provide in their presence? “similarly, he possessedimmense wealth. “what benefit would a bag of hundredor hundred and fifty rupees provide him? “and he had numerousguards and watchmen. “what benefit would thesword of his friend provide him? “however, in the fervour of love he did not thinkthat ‘what benefit will my sword provide him? “what benefit will the meagreamount of my money provide him? “and what service will my wifeprovide?’ he only thought that

‘i should offer whatever i possess.’ ” so common sense does not work at the moment.when the immense passion of love is generated. love ignores commonsense and consideration. and love comes to light itself.when chicks are attacked by an eagle, the chicken gathers its chicksto protects them under its wings. sometimes love makes one do such thingsthat the world labels such acts as madness. but in reality that madness is moreprecious than all wisdom in the world. and all the wisdom of the world canbe sacrificed for this one mad action because the real wisdom is thatwhich is generated through love.

this is something to rememberthat the real wisdom is that which is generated through love. evenwhen the prophet hears a voice that “god, the creator of the heavens and the earth,god, the creator of honour and grandeur, “the one who makes kings become beggarsand makes beggars become kings. “god who establishes governments andthe one who obliterates governments. “the one who grants wealthand takes away wealth. “the god who grants means ofsustenance and takes it away. “god who is the master of every particle in theheavens and the earth and the entire universe. “this god calls a weakand feeble person that

“ ‘i am in need of help, help me.’ that weakand feeble person does not use his wisdom. “he does not say that ‘your holiness, what areyou saying? is your holiness in need of help? ‘o allah, are you in need of help? your holinessis the master of the heavens and the earth. i am impoverished, poor and weak. howcan i help you?’ he does not say that, rather, “he gets ready with his weak, slenderand feeble body and says ‘i am at your service, i am at your service, i am at your service.’who can gauge the depth of these emotions other than the one who has receivedsome portion from the sweetness of love.” he says that, as it has been mentionedbefore, that “fifty years ago from today” fifty years at that time,and 126 years from today.

“the same god raised his voice againand said to a person living qadian “in a place of seclusion that ‘i am in needof help. i have been abased in the world ‘and i have no honour in the world. noone in the world remembers my name. i have no friends or helpers. o my servant,help me.’ this person did not consider “who is saying this and who is beingaddressed? his reasoning did not say that “ ‘the one calling me is theall-powerful, how can i help him?’ “his love for him kindled a fire in his heart. “that is, when he received god the almighty’smessage, the love of god kindled a fire. “and he stood up passionatelywithout anything and started saying

“ ‘o my lord, i am at your service.o my lord, i am at your service. o my lord, i will save, i will savethe faith from destruction.’ ” therefore today we claim to accept the personwho perished in the love of allah almighty, the one who stood upwhilst taking the covenant to spread the message ofallah almighty in the world. today we claim to be inthe oath of allegiance of the true servant of god’s belovedprophet, hazrat muhammad (saw). today, if we believe that the covenantof allah almighty has been fulfilled in the advent of the promised messiah (as)and the prophecy of the holy prophet (saw)

has been fulfilled and islam hasentered into era of its second creation, now it will reach the corners of theworld through the promised messiah (as), if we took the oath of allegiancefrom the promised messiah (as) that we will help him with his work, then we should also come forward raisingthe slogan of ‘labaik’ (‘i await thy command’) with all our abilities, whether theyare less or more whatever we have. we should express our love towardsallah almighty and his messenger (saw) and his messiah (as). we should achievepure transformation in our condition. we should raise thestandard of our loyalties.

we should be ready for any sacrifice like thatpoor friend who was ready for his rich friend. may allah almightyenable us to do this. all praise is due to allah. we laud him, we beseech helpfrom him and ask his protection; we confide in him,we trust him alone and we seek protection againstthe evils and mischief of our souls and from the bad resultsof our deeds. whomsoever he guides on the right path,none can misguide him; and whosoever he declares misled,none can guide him onto the right path.

and we bear witness that none deserves to beworshipped except allah. we bear witness that muhammad (saw)is his servant and messenger. o servants of allah!may allah be merciful to you. verily, allah commands you to act withjustice, to confer benefits upon each other and to do good to others asone does to one's kindred and forbids evil whichpertain to your own selves and evils which affect others andprohibits revolts against a lawful authority. he warns youagainst being unmindful. you remember allah;he too will remember you;

call him and he will makea response to your call. and verily divine remembranceis the highest virtue.

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