moderne wandbilder leinwand

moderne wandbilder leinwand

hello hello dear encaustic friends. it's me again. can you remember that in my last video i told you we will draw the leaves on canvas. i want to tell you a lot about what to consider when drawing on canvas. and simply show you how it works. as you can see i used a very thick stretcher. i really prefer this one because you don't have to be so careful while drawing. i don't know if the camera can show it

but the wood goes diagonally down so that the canvas doesn't get in touch with the stretcher. so the frame won't push through your drawing on the other side. that's a bit of a problem when you draw with encaustic on usual canvas the frame pushes through. if you don't have a canvas as thick as this one you can plug newspaper between the canvas and the wood to make sure it doesn't touch. but a thick one is better to work with. i already prepared it to make sure it won't take too long. but i'm going to tell you some more about it. please use smooth canvas.

don't use rough or absorbent canvas. it won't work. if you stroke your fingers on top of the canvas and it makes a scratching sound it's not the right one for encaustic. but if it's soft you can use the canvas. of course you have to try it on the pale canvas with no wax on it. the rougher the canvas the more wax will be absorbed. as i mentioned earlier i already prepared this one. something else was underneath this but that's a great thing about encaustic; you can always paint over the old designs. i'm taking a color now.

you don't need a base coat if the canvas already has the usual white coat. you can start right away. and melt the colors on top. see. if this would be a very rough canvas i would only be able to paint small bits from time to time. but with this soft one it works perfectly. for me it's a bit too brownish. but you can just go over it again. that's the brilliant thing about encaustic you don't need to throw away anything!

there was a painting underneath i didn't like but the canvas is so beautiful i don't want to waste it. that's why i'm making something new out of it. and as you can see canvas is very hard-wearing, you can work with it, you can push it. it makes no odds. that's already enough. i will work on it without color. i grab the iron like this. you remember how i put the iron on top of the canvas. this time i already have a lot of color on top.

again i'm making this shaky movement within an arc. shaking forward. a tip. the tip of the leaf. here we have one half of the leaf. and now to the other side. now we have our first leaf. you can also draw simple leaves. just with one edge.

i like to go over it again a few times to get a brighter color. always clean the iron with a paper towel. that way you won't have too much wax on it. you can built dimensions by layering the leaves onto each other. i'm turning it a little bit. depending on how you move the iron there are a lot of possibilities to draw leaves. just up and down and we already have a completely new leaf. again our normal leaf we already learned.

now i'm not shaking. very slowly to make sure the wax is melting properly. you see how slowly i paint it. everyone says encaustic is a very fast technique but i don't think so. i also see it right away if someone is working too fast. really try hard. i'm painting a shaky one again. up and down. making a bow. building a tip at the front.

cleaning the iron inbetween. and shake to the opposite direction. getting back to the stem. and pulling it back to me. we already learned how to paint simple grass in our basic classes. we can work them in as well. now i'm going to show you some sort of grain. it's made out of the same shape. i have to draw in this direction.

a little on to the top. i always have a paper towel near me. one two three and again. you see, it's the exact same handling as with the leaves or the grass. always three together. you can already see how it picks up.

sometimes you have paint over it once or twice. i'm gonna leave it like that and draw a stem downward. simply add the awns with the painting iron. i could go on for hours. it will still take some time until it's finished. it's not on point. it's okay though i'm going to show you how to fix it. just draw another row of grains on top. and then it's fixed.

that's encaustic. now i'm going over this part again. what's beautiful as well: just take the iron and pull it outward. push and pull it outward. it's a great finish at the bottom. and if you look at this part now! how amazing the dimensions already look like. i think it's a really great thing.

i would say now it's your turn! now it's your turn to practice! motto: practice! practice! practice! i have to practice as well. even though encaustic always has been an easy thing for me. you have to practice anyways. nothing comes from nothing. with this in mind until next time.

let yourself be surprised about what new i will have for you then. i'm going to tell just this much: we will need a brush and liquid wax. maybe you can already guess something. see you! stop by again! i hope it won't take as long as the last time. ciao!

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