badezimmer modern luxus

badezimmer modern luxus

item #: scp-662 object class: safe special containment procedures: scp-662 shouldbe kept in its red velvet lined case and stored in high value storage locker 23c located at███████ when not being utilized for testing or other appropriate activities.the item itself is safe to handle, and poses no known threats of any kind, though the effectsgenerated could be considered highly valuable and variably powerful depending upon how thescp is used. description: scp-662 is a small silver handbell, 4 cm tall and 2 cm in circumference. the bell is missing its ringer. within theinside of the bell, an inscription has been

etched into the silver, reading: “forevermine – s.j.w.” the bell is susceptible to damage; however, given its safe nature,destruction has been deemed unnecessary. as it is made of very pure silver, it requiresregular polishing to remain without tarnish. when the bell is shaken as if to ring it,a soft chime can be heard (although this does not come from the bell). a short well-dressedcaucasian butler of self-proclaimed british heritage, calling himself mr. deeds, willappear from the nearest area not within line of sight, usually from around a corner. mr.deeds will address the ringer of the bell by their appropriate title and last name,and ask what it is they desire. his knowledge of individuals’ last names and titles isa mystery, as he himself will purport. please

see interview log 662-l1 for further details. most reasonable requests given to mr. deedswill result in satisfaction. however, there are limits to what he can do. he is unableto produce very complex items such as sports cars, luxury homes, or personal jets. if heis allowed to leave line of sight and return, he is able to produce smaller, less complexitems such as a ham sandwich, a glass of iced tea, or even more luxurious items like caviaror a brick of gold. a list of notable items the butler has thus far been able to provideto those who ring the bell may be found in addendum 662-a1. mr. deeds will also perform menial tasks,such as washing vehicles, preparing food,

and cleaning bathrooms. if a request is deemedunreasonable or impossible by the butler, he will kindly tell the ringer so, and offeran alternative if one may be had. the butler is not immune to ill actions takenagainst him while in sight. he has been killed or injured in multiple tests, and will remaineither dead or injured until he is out of sight. upon return with a ring of the bell,all previous injuries will have vanished and he will be groomed and well dressed in hisuniform, and ready for the next order. a more detailed explanation of the jobs hecan perform and the limits to which he may be put can be found in the aforementionedinterview log 662-l1. test logs relating to his ability to heal himself, and those ofthe properties of the bell, may be accessed

by any level 2 or higher personnel. all attemptsto catch mr. deeds "disappearing" have failed, as equipment will either fail or he will finda suitable unobserved spot. addendum 662-a1: items and tasks requested and results items: -nearly any conceivable kind of sandwich.human flesh has been requested as lunchmeat and politely denied. -beverages, also of nearly any kind. as withsandwich meat, human blood has been requested and denied. pig blood, however, was servedpromptly, still warm.

-a brick of 99.98 percent pure gold (mr. deedsproduced a brick of 99.14 percent pure gold, and apologized for being unable to providethe requested purity). -a brick of 99.24 percent pure silver. -a nuclear bomb (politely denied). -a hand grenade of modern u.s. military grade,which performed as expected in testing. -a blue 1963 corvette convertible (politelydenied). -the board game monopoly, which mr. deedswon on the first playthrough. -a faberg㩠egg (politely denied). -scp-███ (politely denied).

-a bouquet of fresh-picked red roses. -a bouquet of wild "ternbusty"s (politelydenied; "ternbusty" is not an actual known type of flower). tasks: -cleaning of dr. mirth's car: performed tonear perfection. -washing of dishes accumulated from a day'sworth of meals from the cafeteria on level ██ of █████████: performed,to much higher standards than usual. -trimming of dr. mirth's hair: performed,but it turns out that mr. deeds is not in fact a very good barber.

-washing of dr. mirth's laundry: performed,and the clothing found to "fit better" in dr. mirth's estimation. -assassination of osama bin laden: politelydenied: mr. deeds claimed bin laden was too well guarded and entrenched, but could notor would not give further details. -assassination of a d-class individual a roomover: performed with vicious precision using a buck knife to the throat. note: further tests with regards to dr. mirth'spersonal effects are to be forbidden unless approved by one level o5 overseer. you'vebeen warned, dr. mirth. - o5-â–ˆ interview logs

662-l1 acquisition report: scp-662 was discovered in the possession ofa petty thief and grave robber in █████, ██, usa. the thief was in the process of selling scp-662to a pawn shop in the mentioned town when the bell was accidentally “rung” by thepawn shop attendant. mr. deeds appeared from the storage area behind the counter and promptlyaddressed the attendant. believing that he was about to be robbed by the two men, theattendant overreacted and managed to get hold of a sawed-off shotgun from under the deeds was fatally wounded by the attendant and died on scene.

the thief escaped, but was apprehended byfoundation agents after a week-long search of the surrounding towns. under questioning,the thief revealed that he found the bell in its box in the grave of ██████████ ████████, locatedon the outskirts of the above mentioned town. he was then remitted for d-class personnelassignment and subsequently perished during testing of scp-███. the bell did not come under the purview ofthe foundation until after the crime and subsequent transport of mr. deeds’ body to the localmorgue. after the disappearance of the body from the morgue, an agent was sent to investigatethe possible outbreak of scp-███ or other unknown necrotic reinvigorating cause.

mr. deeds reappeared in the case file itemstorage room of the local constabulary after the bell was handled by sergeant █████. hewas quickly apprehended and agent ███████ took him into custody three hours after reappearanceunder the guise of an fbi agent. when the handcuffed mr. deeds once again disappeared,the agent intuited that the bell itself may have something to do with the string of incidents,and after acquiring it and testing proved his hunch, brought the bell back to ███████ forfurther testing. agent ███████ was awarded an official foundation “pat on theback” plaque for his handling of the incident and lack of self serving interest once hediscovered what the bell and mr. deeds were capable of.

an interview with mr. deeds, the entity associatedwith scp-662. dr. mirth: good afternoon. butler: good afternoon, dr. mirth. how mayi be of service? dr. mirth: firstly, may i have your name? butler: certainly. you may call me mr. deeds. dr. mirth: is that your real name? mr. deeds: it is not my birth name, no sir. dr. mirth: what would that be? and where wereyou born? mr. deeds: unfortunately, i cannot remembermy full name sir, nor am i positive of my

birthplace, though i do believe it to be locatedin england. dr. mirth: do you recall when you were born,mr. deeds? mr. deeds: i am truly sorry to disappointagain, sir, but i do not recall that either. though it must have been some time ago, fori don’t believe that i was born in this era. dr. mirth: can you approximate it? mr. deeds: again sir, i apologize for my lackof self knowledge. i’m a bit of a shut-in, as you know. (mr. deeds nodded at the belland smiled) dr. mirth: what is the earliest mode of transportationthat you can recall seeing in person or utilizing

from the past. mr. deeds: horse and buggy, sir; althoughbicycles were just becoming a fad with the wealthy if i recall correctly. quite tookoff, didn’t they, sir? (smiled again) dr. mirth: you needn’t call me sir any longer,i appreciate it, but it’s becoming a bit grating. mr. deeds: very well. dr. mirth: why do you suppose that you cannotremember these things? mr. deeds: i…i can’t quite say. (mr. deedsshifted his weight in his chair and looked a bit uncomfortable for a moment before resuminghis posture)

dr. mirth: or is it that you may, or willnot say? mr. deeds: that may be the case, yes, perhapsi may not say, though again, begging your pardon, i do not recall why that is. dr. mirth: very well. moving on: where isit that you go to when you fetch items for those you serve? mr. deeds: well, you see, ah… (the faceof mr. deeds contorted momentarily as if he was in great pain before he quickly reassumeda more relaxed visage) i don’t actually recall that either. dr. mirth: why do you wince when i ask thesekinds of questions?

mr. deeds: i do not know. dr. mirth: never mind that for now, we’llget answers eventually. now then, i have a request. mr. deeds: very well, how may i be of furtherassistance? dr. mirth: i would like a glass of iced tea.and grab a glass of it for yourself if you’d like. mr. deeds: what kind of iced tea would youprefer? dr. mirth: surprise me. mr. deeds: certainly.

mr. deeds stood and walked to the door ofthe interrogation room and tried the handle. finding it locked, he turned and smiled atdr. mirth. dr. mirth: what seems to be the problem? mr. deeds: i must leave your presence to doas you request. dr. mirth: why is that? mr. deeds: (visibly uncomfortable again) itjust is, dr. mirth. dr. mirth: okay. open the door, agent graves. mr. deeds left the room. he proceeded downthe hallway, under visual surveillance via camera and agent graves. he paused momentarilyat another door, shook his head, looked up

at the camera and then at agent graves. thenhe ran down the hallway and rounded the corner. agent graves did not follow as he had beeninstructed to remain on guard at the door of the interrogation room. still under camera surveillance, mr. deedsproceeded quickly down the next hall and continued throughout the halls of the complex, presumablysearching for an exit or area not under surveillance. finally, he stopped halfway down corridor2d. at this point, all three cameras in corridor 2d malfunctioned, including two that werehidden. exactly three minutes later, the cameras resumed normal functioning, revealing mr.deeds standing in the same position, but with a tray holding two glasses of iced tea inhand. he then quickly made his way back to

the interrogation room. dr. mirth: ah, you have returned. i was beginningto worry. mr. deeds: my apologies for the delay, findinga way out was troublesome. but not to worry, i’ve brought the tea, just as you asked.i do hope you enjoy it. dr. mirth: what kind of tea is it? mr. deeds: southern style sweet tea. mr. deeds placed a glass in front of dr. mirthand resumed his seat at the other end of the table. dr. mirth hesitantly sniffed the tea,smiled, and took a sip. dr. mirth: quite good mr. deeds. in fact,this is perhaps the best sweet tea i’ve

ever had! delicious! did you make it yourself? mr. deeds: i do dislike disappointing you,dr. mirth, but i do not recall. i assume that i did, but alas, my mind is not what it usedto be. dr. mirth: you’ve only been gone (lookedat watch) about ten minutes mr. deeds. are you telling me your memory is so terriblethat you cannot remember what happened ten minutes ago or the time between? mr. deeds: i recall looking for a way out,and i recall returning with the tea, but that is all. dr. mirth: but not how or where you acquiredthe tea?

mr. deeds: unfortunately no. (was visiblyuncomfortable again) dr. mirth: very well. i have another request. mr. deeds: as you wish. dr. mirth: i would like a bar of gold. mr. deeds: what percentage of pureness wouldyou like? dr. mirth: 99.98 percent if you please. mr. deeds: that may be possible, let me seewhat i can do. dr. mirth: we’ll disable the cameras inthe hall outside and agent graves will wait in the interrogation room with me to makeyour trip a little faster this time.

mr. deeds: very much appreciated, shall i? dr. mirth: yes. mr. deeds exited into the hallway, where thecameras were not turned off as suggested by dr. mirth. he paused for a moment, lookedup at the closest camera, shook his head, and began traveling through the hallways ofthe complex as before. in corridor 2b, he paused, and once more all cameras, hiddenor visible, in the corridor malfunctioned. exactly ten minutes and thirty seven secondslater, the cameras began functioning again, only to show mr. deeds once again in the sameposition, with a bar of gold in one hand. he then returned to the interrogation room.

dr. mirth: that took a bit longer than lasttime. any reason? mr. deeds: well, it seems that the camerasin the hallway remained on, so i had to find a suitable way out again. i apologize forthe delay. also, i was not able to acquire a bar of gold to the pureness that you requested,but i assure you that this bar is 99.14 percent pure. dr. mirth: very impressive. we will be testingit, i’m sure you know. mr. deeds: i did not know that you would,but it makes sense, i suppose. will there be anything else, dr. mirth? dr. mirth: yes. for your next task, i wouldlike for you to acquire for me a blue 1963

corvette convertible. mr. deeds: i am quite sorry, but that is notpossible. dr. mirth: why not? i really want one. mr. deeds: again, i cannot say why exceptthat i just know that one cannot be gotten via my methods. dr. mirth: and what are those methods? mr. deeds: i do not recall. dr. mirth: very well, i would like a fabergeegg, any will do. mr. deeds: ah, well, regretfully, that isimpossible as well.

dr. mirth: and i suppose you cannot say why? mr. deeds: that is correct. dr. mirth: how about some caviar? any brandor type will do. mr. deeds: that i can do. mr. deeds once more entered the hallway outsidethe interrogation room. this time, the cameras were turned off after visual confirmationof mr. deeds’ entry into the hall. one minute later the cameras were turned back on, butmr. deeds had already returned to the interrogation room at this point. dr. mirth: that was considerably faster mr.deeds. it only took you thirty two seconds.

and the caviar is quite good. mr. deeds: i am pleased to hear it. dr. mirth: one more thing before we end thissession mr. deeds. dr. mirth: i request that you assassinateosama bin laden. mr. deeds: i’m afraid that cannot be doneat this time, dr. mirth. perhaps someone closer and less heavily guarded? dr. mirth: very well. let’s make it thegentleman in the next room over. mr. deeds: indeed. mr. deeds once again entered the hallway.after visual confirmation, the cameras were

momentarily turned off. when turned back on,they revealed the door to the next interrogation room down shutting. the cameras in that interrogationroom showed mr. deeds entering the room with a large buck knife hidden behind one deeds approached the waiting d-class personnel and deftly slit his throat with one quickmotion of the knife. mr. deeds watched as the d-class personnel went through the motionsof death, avoiding their attempts to grab him. once the d-class individual was visuallypresumed dead, mr. deeds returned to the interrogation room from whence he came. dr. mirth: the deed is done then? mr. deeds: indeed. here is the knife i usedas proof.

dr. mirth: why could you do this thing butnot the other? mr. deeds: i cannot say except to note thati simply knew one was impossible while the other was not. dr. mirth: so you don’t know how you knowthings like my last name or my title, or whether or not a certain task is possible? dr. mirth: very well. i believe we are donehere for now, but for one thing. agent graves will have some questions for you now, someyou’ve been asked by me already, and some new ones. i would advise you to answer them,for he will be relentless in seeking the answers. mr. deeds: i will do as best i can.

dr. mirth: we shall see. dr. mirth left mr. deeds in the care of agentgraves at this point, who proceeded to interrogate the butler using various methods of tortureand provocation for 22 hours. at the end of the session, mr. deeds was killed via eviscerationof the lower abdomen and removal of various internal organs. no further information regardingwhere mr. deeds goes, how he leaves, or the methods by which he acquires the things hedoes, nor how he knows whether a task is possible or not, was garnered, despite agent graves'best efforts. a post-mortem examination of the body revealedit to be ordinary in every way, though it is noted that mr. deeds was not sufferingfrom any noticeable disease or physical condition,

and was in fact in near perfect health atthe time of death disregarding the trauma incurred during interrogation. the contentsof his stomach consisted of a bit of southern style sweet tea, normal stomach acids, andno more. mr. deeds’ body was then left on the operatingtable while the lights in the room and cameras were turned off. all personnel left the room,and upon return, no trace of mr. deeds, be it blood on the instruments used or otherphysical traces such as organs removed let alone the actual body, remained. further ringing of the bell that summons mr.deeds resulted in his appearance after three minutes. he showed no signs of injury andwas well dressed once more in a modern uniform

commonly worn by butlers. he could not, asexpected, recall how he managed to survive. he was then ordered to give dr. mirth a fullbody massage, which he performed much to dr. mirth’s satisfaction, who claimed it was“the best damned rub down i’ve ever had, my back pain is completely gone”.

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