badezimmer stuhl modern

badezimmer stuhl modern

how to be happy in the now let's explore a little bit more how to be happy,... in the now which doesn't exist. the now doesn't exist, so we have to be now and it doesn’t exist. what does it mean? seize the moment. carpe diem (latin: seize the moment.). you cannot have a now, there is no now because you can divide, divide, divide, it is infinity.

but we have to enjoy now. how to enjoy now if there is no now? by feeling an imaginary now. because it doesn't exist. what we feel... is our being... moving through time. normal people say: 'time goes by'. again; normal people say: 'time goes by'.

no. "we" go through time. you understand the difference? because we feel always the time is going by, like if we are not in the time. time doesn't go by, we travel through the time. you feel the difference? it is very important. because if the time was existing, there would be a now

but there is no now. and we are traveling through the time. if i move... from here to the other side of the stage, i am moving through space and time. we are all doing that.

it is not the space which is moving. you understand? it is not the stage which is moving. it doesn't move. across the stage. same about time. time is not passing by. we are moving

through the time. and, how to be happy? how to live the moment? in a time which doesn't exist, in a now which doesn't exist and in a here which doesn't exist. i am moving through and it is very important and you remember this exercise that we were doing few years ago, of slowly moving.

being slow is one of the key of happiness. everything in your life... i know, education, teach you to go fast. "hayako hayako". from school. hai! faster, faster.

no... slowly... as slowly as possible wake up slowly. it starts when you wake up, eh! what's happening during the night, when you sleep? who is in control of your brain? the thinking brain stops.

you cannot sleep if you think and you know when we start thinking, we cannot fall asleep, insomnia. and when we sleep, we stop thinking and we start... dreaming.

what is happening? who is in control of the brain when we sleep? the supra consciousness. the snail comes out when you are asleep and tries to fix the brain, the damage you created during the day. that's why you dream. some people think there is a meaning in the dream.

no meaning, it's just,... you have some stressful experiences, positive or negative. and, this starts to make a very big shock in your brain. having a bad experience with your boss at your work, meeting a beautiful girl or a handsome boy,

it's a big stress. and at night, the supra consciousness says ok let's clean this brain. dreaming is a vacuum (cleaning) of the brain, it's cleaning and that's why you have nightmares sometimes. supra consciousness says: "wait, let's clean this". everything in the universe is based on

infinity. and infinity is what? like yin-yang. as a symbol, beautiful symbol of the national flag of korea, with yin yang. polarity: +, - everything in your body, the electrons turning in your cells,

the solar system, the galaxy turning, it's all the same. it's based on polarity. north pole... south pole. magnetic field. every atom has a magnetic field, every planet has a magnetic field.

and our brain, every thought we have, is playing on the magnetism inside the brain. when you have stress, you unbalance the polarity. and at night, the supra consciousness comes and says: 'let's make it... calm'. rebalance,

reboot. like when you reboot your computer. reboot, you understand kumiko, reboot, yes. this is exactly what we do. and every people who has a mental problem or very depressed, they know, and you have all been through some kind of depression in your life or sadness, or bad feeling. when you wake up,

you feel very good and you feel: 'wow!, ah!, my sadness, my depression is finished'. just when you open your eyes and after, the thinking starts and you go down. but the first minute when you wake up, you feel normal. and after one hour you are again "brrrrr" down. why? thinking. when you sleep the supra-consciousness refreshes your brain.

so now, why not doing it during the day? why only at night? you have to transform the bat of your supra-consciousness in a daily white pigeon. you have to transform the night bat, you know batman, a bat,"blblbl", a bat, in a day light white pigeon. 'hato' (pigeon). because there is no reason to let the supra-consciousness work on your brain only at night. why not having it working during the day?

it is not a bat. bat only goes out at night. but white pigeon, the symbol of peace, fly during the day. and you have the power to change the bat into a white pigeon. how? through meditation. meditation is exactly like sleeping, but!...

much more powerful, because you are not sleeping, you are doing it voluntarily. you decide to do it. that's the big difference. suddenly instead of falling asleep to let the snail come out, you put yourself in a meditation state and you say to the snail: 'please come,

take control of my brain'. the snail says: 'are you sure? are you ready?' yes. 'if you think i cannot come.' no i stop thinking. talk to your supra-consciousness. 'ok, do you think you are ready?' 'ah, if you think, you are not ready!'

'do you think you are ready?' no answer. and then you are ready. that's the power of meditation. if you experience this beautiful state of mind that you have when you wake up, beautiful new day, even the most negative and sick people, when they wake up and open their eyes,

they feel good. sometimes, just ten seconds. ahhh. and after the machine starts. don't let the machine start. don't turn the key. mmrrrrr. no! let this thinking machine in the garage. the thinking machine is like a car, a very noisy car. and the meditation and the supra-consciousness is the snail walking.

don't use the car, walk. physically also. if you have... people who have bad mental feeling,... walking is one of the most natural medicine. physically walking. of course, meditation is better but some people are so negative and depressed that they have difficulty to meditate. they cannot stop thinking. 'oh, maitreya, i try to meditate but i cannot, always i am thinking.'

i say: 'go walking'. when you walk consciously! not walking: 'oh, la la, what a terrible day'. no, no, no, no!... walking slowly, only aware of what is around, the butterflies... the trees... the beautiful rain, then the brain stops. and walking is very important; the elohim gave us long legs...

and a small brain. the legs are much bigger than the brain. to walk! this is very deep. there was even a philosophy school at the time of the greek philosophers. the teachers where never sitting, they were teaching walking. and i recommend if you have to teach or to speak in public, i do it myself, to walk.

sitting is ok when you reach a certain level of wisdom but for beginners, or if you are shy, walking helps. and this greek school of philosophy was called: "the peripatetician school". peripatetician (latin). meaning: teaching while walking. because the greek philosophers realised

the brain works better, more clearly, they didn't know about supra-consciousness at this time, than when idle. so they called 'the peripatecian'. and what is funny is now in french and in english i think also, prostitutes... prostitutes are called: peripatetician, because they walk while working in the streets. so they used the greek term of a philosophy for prostitution, very funny! remember that:

one of the way to have positive harmony in your brain, go take a walk. difficult to translate? go take a walk, yes. one hour, not five minutes. you should walk every day one hour. cars are destroying your brain. you walk, you enjoy life, you look everywhere, you see people and you think to yourself: 'what a wonderful world'...

but you are in car. beep! beep! mmmrrr! move away, you stupid! mmmrrr! completely changed. walk. if you have less than one hour to go walking, go walking to go working. much better. no traffic, no pollution. and this (legs) becomes better, the heart becomes better,

the belly becomes smaller and the brain becomes clearer. we are born to walk on this holy planet. i know it's difficult in cities but, at least on the weekend, go in the countryside, especially when it is raining, and walk without shoes, barefoot,

to feel the grass. this (shoes) is separating us from the ground. when you are barefoot in the grass, your body feels the magnetic field of the earth. when you have shoes, no. and this also helps balance the heath of body and of the brain and makes you happy. especially right after the rain.

if you can - i love doing that - right after a thunderstorm, i love going naked and rolling in the grass. and you cannot stop laughing! because it is full of negative ions. negative ions are very positive. they are called... you have even machine... i know in japan... who create negative ions in apartment, right? this machine is ok, it's better to go in the grass. with this machine, in 24 hours of this machine you have the same amount of negative ions in 5 minutes in the grass.

after a thunderstorm, barefoot or naked in the grass, rolling, especially if you can be close, and there is a lot in asia, of 'matsu' - pine trees. pine trees, every tree creates negative ions, but pine trees more than others. and i know that japanese people have a special love for matsu. love it. french people are so stupid. they love trees like that,

because their brain are like that. and in japan, you love the trees very different state of mind. japanese are right. and, i learned recently that the japanese gardens are chinese. it was chinese a long time ago. so i didn't know that but thanks to the wonderful lotus, she is teaching me a lot of... i thought kimonos were japanese, i love kimono, she: 'no, it is chinese'.

we use it thousand years ago. ok. i love koto. i thought wow koto is japanese, i love koto. she said 'no, no, it is chinese, we had a long time ago' ok. what is japanese? sushi! ok. ahhh. sumo? yes. suddenly, i found something japanese, really japanese things. so, this is very important to create this... to keep this state of mind you have when you wake up. through meditation and slowly...

it is a mistake some people, you know, there is this beautiful meditation where we follow the 12 lines of the symbol. you know, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. ok? some people tell me: 'it doesn't work'. ah, yes? tell me: "how do you do it?" 1, 2, 3, 4, no! stop! wrong. 1... 2...

everything. but 1, 2, 3, 4,... that's not meditation, it is racing car. of course, it doesn't work. sometimes, i say: 'breathe deeply' and i see people... no! like ideaki before petanque. no slowly. everything slowly. walk slowly. i had a wonderful grandmother,

because my mother was terrible, she was almost like japanese people. quickly, quickly, quickly. hayaku, hayaku! and, my grandmother saying: 'slowly, take your time'. and she had this beautiful sentence: "you will take time to die one day". whatever you ask, whatever the speed of your life, one day you will die.

better enjoy the moment. going through the time slowly. this time is precious. your time is precious. my time is precious. i want to enjoy every step of it. this is being in the now. everything you do, do it slowly.

ah, that is very difficult in our modern world. even breathing. people "hum, hum". no! slowly breathing. eating. 'fast' food. people eat so fast. eating is like making love. when i see people eating, i know how they make love.

i give you a little tip girls: if you want to have a good lover, look at them when they eat. if they eat (fast), sex will be (fast). bye bye! i give you a tip: if people eat with sensuality, slowly, then you have a good lover. it is terrible in japan the noodles shops, noodles restaurant. i always imagine this man which... making love after. everything slowly. there is no emergency. the emergency... is to take time.

only one thing is emergency: to take time. to do things slowly. do it here. when you come to this room, come slowly. when you wake up: no wake up clock! 'but without wake up clock, i cannot wake up.' of course, if you go to bed at 1 am, very difficult. i go to bed every day at 9 pm.

naturally. it is a natural rhythm, circadian rhythm it's called. "circadian" we should live like chicken. electric light is beautiful but it destroys the natural balance of our body. before, when there were only candles, at 8 pm, people started (yawn). no tv, no computer, no electric light, people go to bed at 8 or 9. and, naturally wake up when the sun rises.

difficult? no. very easy. and, your sleep is better quality, your dreams are of better quality. simple. and, i cannot, personally, miss one sunrise. that's why, i always get up before the sunrise. i want to take my time,

to be ready and see the sunrise. the sun rising, the light of the sun, don't look at it when it is high, just when it comes out of the horizon. half... not completely, just half. not dangerous. and the light makes a lot of effect on your brain. it helps to keep the circadian rhythm of your body. what is the circadian rhythm?

every part of our body, the brain, the stomach, the sex, has different temperature at different times of the day. it's called chronobiology. "chronos" time, "biology" the science of the living things. chronobiology. so... the best temperature for the brain to be powerful: is around 4-5 am. when i see people who have a very difficult job to do and they work very late in the middle of the night. terrible.

the brain is sleepy so they drink coffee and then they cannot sleep, and they take a pill to sleep. the moment when the brain is clearer and work faster: is when the sun rises... ... when the sun rises. same for the sex. because the sex and the brain are very connected. another mistake that people do:

they work all day, they are very tired, they watch tv... they go to bed very late, and they have sex. very bad! we are tired. and men know that, when we wake up "bouhhhh". morning tent piquet, we say "en franã§ais" (in french). in french we say: .... japanese word? asadachi (morning wood)

at night, you need viagra, you know. but morning, naturally you wake up... here and here, same. it is connected. the brain, the sex and the intestines... are one. you know, the scientist discovered recently, we have millions of neurons in the intestines. and that's why people who have,... take antibiotics, they destroy the intestinal flora,... flora, bacteria and then,

they have mental problem. by giving back the natural intestinal flora, like using probiotics, improve the mental health of many people, mental health. so, the intestines and the brain are one. and you know, everybody know it. in french, we say' "il me fait chier", meaning this man makes me go the toilet.

when somebody is disturbing in french, we say "he makes me shiting". in japanese, no? somebody really disturbing we say: ''ah, he makes me make shit". not in japanese? but it's true, when people are disturbing, they are full of shit, we say. 'they make me shit.' so, if french people say: "tu me fais chier", meaning: "you are disturbing me a lot".

'you make me go to toilet.' when you are scared, when you have a big panic because somebody is scary. in english: 'they scared the shit out of me'. "scared the shit out of me" meaning: 'i am so afraid that' and it is true, it is physically true, when you are really afraid, you have a diarrhoea. diarrhoea.

when something make you really afraid ---- because the intestines and the brain is one. if you're afraid of something, a lion comes in this room "rrrr!", wow, everybody panic. the blood leaves the intestines and goes to the muscles to run away. no blood in the intestines. pfiuuu! diarrhoea. so, everything is connected. we are one.

we are one together but we are one: our body is one. that's why we have to realize the power of meditation. when you meditate, it is not something you do with the brain. you meditate with all the body. and timing is important. and the wonderful elohim message, what do they say? they say the best time to meditate is right when you wake up.

what i was explaining before. when you wake up, there is a magic moment, where, wow, you feel good. time to meditate to keep it, and keep it as long as possible and then you keep it all day and happiness is there. second part: if i am not too long.

what is happiness? it comes from inside. how do you practice that? with little details. i wake up, it's dark. because, i wake up very early. there is one button: incredible. i touch this button

and there is electric light. people say: 'so what, it's electricity, everybody knows that'. it's fantastic. all our ancestors, they had candles. we touch a button - pooop. when i do that, wow! then i go to the bathroom

and sit on the toilet. wow!!! my grandfather was going in the garden. maybe your grandfather also. there was no toilet. everybody was shitting in a hole in the garden. no paper. there was no paper for centuries and centuries. how did they clean?

they didn't clean. they keep the shit and put back their trousers, yes!!! because peoples were not even washing, because washing... they were afraid of water. toilet paper. i take it i say: "wow"! and, i am sitting and i am lucky to live in japan, there is a washlet. i push a button - "pschitt". wow, my grandfather would have been crazy about that. feel it. people sit and say what a terrible day, and...

and then, magic: you get up, you push the button, flush. for you it's nothing, for me it's fantastic. i want to have amazement and child eyes for everything i do. and you got... a mirror. a long time ago, not so long time ago, just a few centuries ago, only the king had a mirror. mirror was something like a computer now.

not like a computer, everybody has computer, like an airplane. only the king. other people, they look at themselves in the river. you have a mirror. then, you have water. i went to africa many times. they have no water in the house. they go and they walk 2, 3, 5 kilometers and bring back a bucket of water. and this bucket has to do everything for one day.

so, they are very careful with this water. imagine yourself, you wake up in the morning, you need water, think about it! and you have to walk one hour to bring back water to wash yourself. when i was young, same. i had no shower in my house. no bath. you open: water!

not only water, another tap: hot water! when i was a child, there was no hot water. i had to put water in a pot and warm it up. everybody laughing now about that. when i was a child, there was no hot water at the tap. amazing! periods: girls have periods sometimes. blood coming out. periods.

there was no tampon. there was no paper pad. imagine you have period and there is nothing like that. that's something, eh. be amazed of everything, little details. wow! it doesn't make you happy but it makes you feel little joys with natural things. you have a house. i am amazed to have a house, because many people are homeless.

i'm amazed to have a bed, comfortable bed. in africa, they have no bed, they sleep on the ground. so, everything in your life is magic. then you have computers, cell phones. think about the miracle of your life. but people get so used to it, that... they are more and more depressed because they don't appreciate little details of life.

i see beautiful shoes here. african, many have no shoes, nothing. they come to the seminar barefoot, men and girls. beautiful shoes; appreciate it. it's amazing. everything on you, where does it come from? where is coming from the cotton, the leather, everything.

the telephone probably made in china but... everything made in china maybe. maybe i am made in china, i am not sure. so, appreciate everything. we are in the seminar together, in okinawa. everybody comes from china, korea, europe, australia, airplane! one hundred years ago: impossible. you are living the life of kings. feel it.

it is not happiness. happiness is inside. but with the life full of joy, natural joy, starting with looking at the sunrise, the magic of electricity, amazement, then slowly you put yourself in a positive state of mind. and let grow the happiness inside you.

you are living a king's life. you touch the button on your computer and you have all the music of the world. long time ago, not so long time ago, only the king had musicians when he was eating. you have it, right now on your cell phone. but people say: 'oh, ok, bof', make selfie. appreciate each thing in your life. and meditation helps you be in a state of mind

where every little detail becomes beautiful. not only material things. not only electricity, hot water, that's not so important. but the face of your friends, brothers and sisters. one hundred years ago, roberta couldn't be here. from italy to here,

two months by boat. impossible. sakina could not be here from london, so long. chinese friends, you could not be here. look at the people around you, we are together, thanks to these wonderful technologies we use. so, the technology brings love, make us brothers and sisters, closer and closer.

make it possible to be together and celebrate the beautiful creation of elohim. and we must, and that is the most important thing we have to finish with. every second of our life, you can write that on your paper and underline it three times: be thankful. that is the most beautiful meditation i do in the morning. i will do it with you now. i wake up

and i say: "thank you elohim... for my life, thank you for having food, because every food we eat comes from your creation". for having a house". for being loved by so many people". 'and before all, thank you elohim for giving me the power to love other people'.

and when you start your day with a thankful meditation, starts a beautiful day. and be thankful... at every step. i am thankful to be able to do this step. and this one. because each step in your life is magic. and unique. i can get...... it is not the same.

every step is unique. a unique travel through the infinity of space and through the infinity of time. enjoying now, cannot be measured. there is no now. enjoying now is enjoying the movement through time. we are all space travelers. oh you say: 'no, i am not moving, i am on my chair' - you are a space traveler.

the earth is moving and you are moving with the earth. now at 2000 km/hour, something like that. the earth is turning, you are moving at 2000 km/h. are you? much more. because the earth is moving around the sun. this is a higher speed, higher speed. and the solar system is moving around the galaxy.

so, you are moving, you are travelling in space. even sitting. and the galaxy is moving. and maybe you are in the finger of one man who is doing... that. and you are, he is, on a planet which is moving. so what is our speed?

infinity. we are moving at an infinite speed, in an infinite universe and in an infinity of time. we are space travellers and time travellers. feeling now is feeling the movement. there is no now

but there is a movement through time. and, carpe diem (latin). enjoying now is enjoying the movement...

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