ist vegan leben gesund

it is tuesday, 11 o' clock. welcome to the first episode of crap or not. my name is the golden gordon and i welcome you. my name is shoe polish aljosha and i welcome you too. lets get started crap or not might be something new for many of you out there, but we like to face new adventures. this adventure will be about finding out, wether certain information out there are crap or not
there are many news out there right now who claim that a vegan diet lead to depression wich would mean that meat makes happy. to find out about that, we invited 3 guests for today who would like to discuss this topic and talk about their personal experience so that in the end we can tell you wether it is crap or not. we welcome our first guest: dr. med. ulrich
of heinrichhausen, today live from mansion new schwanstein. good day, hello. so what do you say about those news? i would love to answer that question: for one i see a big problem in this quite lurid article, since the before mentioned study tested 10000 people inculding an astonishing number of 39 vegans.
- the study does not check any alternative reasons for depression and therfore lacks statistical significance or any relevance at all because there are many relevant factors. the article also claims, that a vegan diet often leads to iron and vitam b12 deficiency and generally a strong lack of nutrition could you please talk about that too? *pheww* that question makes my foot go moldy
there is a youtube channel about this topic i would highly recommend you, it is called vegan ist ungesund (vegan lifestyle is unhealthy) what an ironic title haha the thing is, that in every kind of nutrition you can suffer from malnutrition a vegan diet does not increase that risk compared to an omnivorus usually it's even the other way around. in a wholesome vegan diet, you consume more minerals, vitamins and roughage. meat, milk and eggs are not healthy, as shown in various
studies, movies and videos from the guys from vegan ist ungesund interesting our next guests are linked up live from hamburg: the youtubers gordon and aljosha from vegan ist ungesund i welcome you. also let me notice that today you look exeptionally good. hey guys, welcome here from the headquaters, you too look surprisingly well today.
our question for you is: as vegans, could you please tell us: do you suffer from more depression than the average citizen? do vegans generally suffer more from depression? what is your experience there? i welcome you too, it's a pity we don't have our whole own show today but i guess that's how it is let me tell you how i experienced this: when i started dealing with that topic and especially
the mass animal husbandry and all their unbelieveble suffering and those scences i just could not get out of my head were a huge burden for me and since the whole topic "vegan" is a topic where you are against the mainstream because most people won't understand or listen to you but therefore our channel exists, so you don't need to feel lonely anymore guys! never forget you are doing something really really good, so always keep that in mind.
yeah because that will make you fell in the pure with yourself, because most people are nice and they don't want to harm animals, so for the first time in your live you are living in peace with your own feelings if you want to find out more about it, there is a link in the description below to the lecture of dr. melanie joy about this topic, it's very fascinating! sir aljosha, sir gordon please tell us: how come that reports like that are online
thats gotta have some reason many thanks for those wonderful questions shoe polish aljosha and golden gordon as well good job i love you we talked about this in our video "veganismus ist ein trend" (vegan is a trend), there is something happening guys there are more and more vegans and people who deal with plant based nutrition. wich leaves us with the question: probably for every movement, there probably is a counter movment, aljosha? remember that this is about billions,
insane amounts of money, you realize there are different lobbys represented and as gordon said: every movement leads to a counter movement and if this counter movement has a lot of money they will make something happen i guess. and that is what we are noticing at the moment. if you read the newspaper, which kind of articles do you see there? list it! next child died due to vegan pregnancy, vegan dies while climbing mount everest, or this one: vegans are less happy
all of these, as we noticed, very bad research. don't forget: every tuesday, new video, vegan ist ungesund, bye! many thanks to you guys in hamburg, you are wondeful. in conclusion, after all these interviews: as usual it's a bunch of crap! i'm sorry, we seem to have some technical trouble we will care about it. thank you guys for watching, i am sure we learned a lot today, also thanks to my co-moderator sir hardwich
ehrm sorry shoe-polish aljosha and myself, the goldon gordon, i'm always there for you. that was our first episode of crap or not, we hope to see you next time when we check again: crap or not.