nähsachen zum selber machen

nähsachen zum selber machen

hey guys, so fancy seeing you here! sorry, i'm still way too excited with the fact i've got a dimmer switch next to my bed. in the other place, i had to turn off the light and then stumble across an obstacle course of sharp plugs and strewn clothes and probably a few rats... so now, i can just be like: [yawns] i'm tired... it's so good! anyway, you've probably guessed what kind of video this is, as you've read the title, but [chuckle] i've made the terrible mistake of, first of all, going to dunkirk, which was harrowing, but amazing, and drinking an extra large coke, coming home, having a coffee, and then for the rest of the evening,

i've just been nibbling on these: dark chocolate espresso beans, not thinking that [laughs] each.. espresso bean is probably like drinking a cup of coffee. so there's not even any point in me trying to go to sleep tonight. and i think i'm just gonna hang out with you guys until i do. which is probably gonna be never, so [giggles] let's see what happens. oh, we need the title card! a sleepless night with phil! yeah! i should probably put some pyjamas on, i'm wearing sweatpants. i said that in my live show, and people were like: "that's not what british people say!"

my 'jogging bottoms'. if anything will lull me off to sleep, it is these subtle emoji pajamas [snores]. so i've just had these new picture hooks installed, i've got one there, and then one there, where i've hung my wirrow painting. so i was wondering if i could hang- ah! don't fall over- [laughs] that was close! so i was wondering if i could hang these two cat paintings above my bed as well? is that cool for above a bed? or is it like: "hey, welcome to my cat cult! here is where i sleep!"

i'm not sure... maybe it's a mixture of both? um.. but they're slightly wonky, which is driving me a little bit mad. and then over here, i was gonna hang my "howl's moving castle" painting, like so! there we go, diy with phil, with no disasters! except for..nearly smashing my phone.. but that is besides the point! the pictures are hunged - hang, hang, hanged! [laughs] pictures are hung! so i've come into the gaming channel room and i'm trying to think of a way..to re-affix these foam tiles to the wall. if you saw our crash bandicoot video on the gaming channel,

you might know why we needed these babies. dan: yaas, call me c- oh my god [screams] thanks, dan. you might have seen my tweet, but i spent so long putting these up on the wall, and i just turned around and whacked them all with my massive butt. i've even put these boxes here just to like, avoid the inevitable. *laughs* i'm just pinning them all onto the wall! come on! stick to the wall.. oo! oo! no!

i think it's definitely a pull them all off and start again job, but i think i'm just going to leave them balanced against this box for now because i just can't face it. the side of the gaming channel you don't see! i do not trust this. whenever i adjust one of these, i feel like i'm going to send this entire camera smashing into dan's face or something. it's weird to think that this is the actual home of dil. hi, dil! it's like seeing behind the scenes of the matrix or something. ooo! blue glow!

i look a bit like dalien! it runs in the family! so i thought i'd make myself useful being awake in the middle of the night and update some of the games that we play on the gaming channel. like the sims, we need to update. and also.. i need to install some games that we might play next week. like.. a certain game called: "dream daddy"! have you heard of that? literally every single person has commented it on our gaming channel: "play dream daddy!" so we heard you and i'm now installing it, and it's your fault, what are you letting us in for, i do not know. but, look forward to that at some point. my eyesight.

clark kent mode.. activated! if you've been spending this video trying to work out if this is a pocket or a fake pocket, place your bets now! it's not real, which is really annoying. i wish it was real, they could've just made a pocket. stop trying to grab my nipple, donkey kong. i should probably fix the door handle, as i'm scared it's going to fall off one day and just leave me trapped in the bathroom. and dan'll forget about me, and just find a withered skeleton 6 months later.

so if i ever do disappear, tweet at him to check the bathroom. [yawns] i did a little yawn! i'm about 15- no, 17 percent more tired. uh- it's about three in the morning. slightly delirious, but not ready to sleep yet. and i got really hungry. why d'you get so hungry in the middle of the night? i don't know. so i thought i'd get a healthy snack, and i thought no, throw that out the window. i bought loads of candy that we don't get in britain when i was in la and i thought this would be the perfect time to try some of it. i know i'm about four years late, but it's time for: british guy tries american candy!

this could've got 17 million views back in the day, what was i thinking doing it now? first on the list is... an airhead! cherry! i'm guessing this is gonna be like a taffy. that is not the color of a natural cherry. that looks radioactive. oh! really artificial... cherry taste that i was expecting. i knew exactly what this would taste like before i ate it. pretty good, though! oops! a bit sour, a bit chewy, i give it three cherry's out of five. okay, next up is a

charleston chew - this is huge! how do they even put this on the shelf?! it says "try frozen", which i was tempted to do, but i'm too impatient to wait till tomorrow morning, so let's just dig in now. oh, it is a chocolate bar, i was right. hmm. whoa. it is chewy! what am i eating? "chewy flavored nougat with delicious chocolate coating". very powdery... american chocolate. that's nice, i like the flavor of the nougat and the chocolate together. i'm gonna give it a thick four out of five. next, we have some junior mints. [laughs]

maybe i should end on the junior mints, actually. okay, you can go..go home.. erm.. baby ruth! these are all over the place. i can't remember if this is a milky way secretly or if it's secretly a mars bar. i know it's just secretly something we already have. it's a snickers! this is what i'd get if i like needed a chocolate bar. do y'know like after an exam or something and you just wanna down a load of peanuts and chocolate at the same time? baby ruth? not so baby, more like, adult ruth filled with peanuts! get in my mouth, four out of five. next up is not gonna..

go well with the flavor of that baby ruth. a warhead blue raspberry! i think i did one of these in my really like ancient live shows about five years ago, but i've forgotten how bad it is. ah! ahm nem nem- it's so sour! oh, it kind of burns! i'm gonna give that a 2 out of 5... bleeding tongues. last thing, which i see in so many american tv shows, is kool-aid! which i've never tried before and i'm very excited. so basically, you mix it with water and it creates a... kiwi/strawberry flavored drink. is that even a flavor that goes? let's find out! is this glass large enough?

it did say large.. okay, i've got my kool-aid. oh, it smell like dying dreams... ooo! look at that! this was worth it! it's like a slime video! okay.. give it a little stir.. how much sugar? it said a cup. like, what is a cup? [gasps] that- surely that's enough, i can't drink that much sugar. okay, i was expecting it to be disgusting, but it's actually kind of alright! i'm gonna give it a a 2 and a half. that's- that's my rating for kool-aid. and thus, we reach the end of british boy tries american candy!!!

i'm gonna go back to bed. see if i can maybe get a bit more sleepy, so i will see you there. *sad music* *squeak squeak* i came upstairs to get my phone charger, and ended up reading a massive article about nose yoga, which can help you sleep. so, get your ring finger and your thumb, like this, and then, breathe through your one nostril, and then out through your other nostril. and then in,

out. [giggles] and do that about ten times, and it will fill your brain with sweet oxygen, which could help you feel a bit more sleepy, or make you feel a bit more creative. see, who needs to go to school when you can watch my videos? education at its finest. no-ga. no-no- nose-ga? nose-ga. [sniffs] sorry for just snorting you. [creak] *whispers* i'm trying not to wake up dan. i've got elephant feet. so i'm a tiny bit bored, so i'm on a website called "boredbutton.com",

which gives you a random website to play on. let's see what we get first. balls! *laughs* hopefully you're looking at the screen right now. it's covered in balls! um- i think they're coming from my mouse? oh right, every time i click, it just makes more balls in this box. this is pleasing me immensely. ah! wha- [laughs] why are they all about weird ball shaped items?! no, i don't like this at all! so on this page is 7 billion people, oh my god, that's so cool! tag yourself, guys! wow, so i can say every single person in the world has been in my video! there you go!

plant a seed? okay- uh.. there we go. house plant simulator! yes! oh! bowling? [crash] [laughs] i did- [laughs] i did not expect that to happen! 4:22 in the phil house! phil is regretting eating all of those american sweets

because now he is talking about himself in the third person.. 'cause he feels so sick. i was gonna sew this... nasa patch onto my denim jacket as part of this video, but i don't have a sewing kit, and i don't think 4am sewing is a good idea unless i wanna chop my own hand off. so maybe next time! it's 4:46 guys, i'm flagging! [laughs] i'm getting a bit sleepy now. i've been looking at some 'headers for phil', which is a thing that i stole from dan. people do

#headerforphil on twitter and send headers in. so i'm gonna like some of those and set one as my header tomorrow at a more sociable hour because i don't wanna wake anyone up at four in the morning. [dog-like yawn] i sound like a dog! it's 5:00 in the morning, i am very tired, i'm making dog noises... i think i should sleep. before i go though, i wanted to show you the snazzy backpacks we now have on "danandphilshop.com". numero uno is the sky blue one, which i think would be me if i was turned into a backpack. it's got the japan embroidery, which i promise says "dan and phil", it doesn't say anything weird! and.. they're great!

they've got room for laptops, books, and everything. and then, the dan variety, if he got turned into a bag, is this one! which- ooh, you can see it really well! has.. glitter inside the black material, and we have limited stock of these, so if you want one, "danandphilshop.com". we've got some other new merch as well if you want to check that out! hope you've enjoyed: a sleepless night with phil! if you have, give it a thumbs up, and next time i'm being an insomniac, i will make another video! uh- you can subscribe by tickling my button there.

i've got a last video here, which you might wanna check out! subscribe to the gaming channel as well, as i have so much fun on there, and it's a shame if you're not watching it. you're missing out on so many good videos. so, go do that! have a better sleep than i did and i will see you next time. goodnight! oh, i should dim the lights, shouldn't i? here we go. ooh [yawns] night, guys!

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