vintage möbel wohnzimmer

vintage möbel wohnzimmer

hi this is wendi with nashvillerestoration and today we're going to do a fake chalk paint on a dresser. this isa dresser from a thrift store and i took the hardware off just because i haven'tdecided what i want to do with it yet, if i want to paint it or replace it. so inorder to do the fake chalk paint look, you have to sand the shiny finish off.that does not mean you have to sand it down to the wood but it doesmean you have to just knock the shine off of it. i'm going to show you with an electric sander how quick that actually is. thisis a 5-inch orbital sander. you can use a palm sander you can also just hand sandit if you want to but this is how much you need to sand off.

for supplies youwill need some baby oil, a quart of satin or eggshell finish paint, a kitchensponge with a scrubby side, 120 grit sandpaper and a sander, either a handsander or an electric sander and a rag. i'm using 120 gritsandpaper if you use between 120 and 180 you will be good. whether you're hand sanding or electricsanding that is a good range to be in. this is how quick you can actuallytake the shine off. i finished sanding the rest of the dresser off camera and now we're going to apply the paint. this is a satin finish paint and i'm going toapply it in the same way you apply chalk paint which is to apply it in everydirection. your goal is to get the paint on there with no drips or puddlesand that is pretty much the only rule.

you want to get it to cover withoutputting it on too thick. this is going to be two coats on this dresser as it iswith most pieces of furniture when you repaint them. take out the drawers of the dresser andpaint the front of the dresser. do it in the same way as you did the top you just want to avoid any drips or puddles. i'm gonna do a little bit of wet distressingon the dresser and that just means the same spots that you would sand to distress,i'm going to run a damp rag over them now just to save some time later and because ihate sandpaper (laughing). paint your drawer just like you did the top of the dresser in every direction and paint the top edge

of the drawer that you will see when youopen it. i'm gonna use a kitchen sponge to do a little bit of the wetdistressing. it's a sponge on one side and a scrubby surface on the other. thesame way you would use sandpaper you can just take this and run it over yourproject and make it easier later. i'm doing the same thing on the of the other advantages of doing this to me is that you can see more what's going to happen with the sandpaper when this is already done. i'mjust going to come back and just hit the very edge with sandpaper after this.since we're outside i'm gonna give it two hours to dry. if i was inside i wouldwait four hours or more. more drying time is always good.

this is my second coat ofpaint going on. i am not painting close to the edges where i like it little bit of the distressing that i did with the sponge and the rag. i'm not even going to put paint over that again except when i do thiswhich is basically there's hardly any paint left in my brush and i'm justgonna run it over the edge lightly and it gives it kind of a whitewashed lookand it makes it just look more weathered and distressed. i'm gonna do the samething on the front of the dresser. i am only going to put paint basically rightdown the middle of these rails and sides because i like the way the distressinglooks and i'm gonna leave it like that.

same thing on the drawer,i'm just going to paint in the middle and not paint on the edges except alittle bit when the brush is almost out of paint, i'll go over the edges a littlebit. now that i've completed all the paintingon the dresser i'm going to give it 6 hours to dry and that is an outsidedrying time. if i were inside i would give it 8 hours or more and if i couldgo overnight, i would do that because the longer you can let the paint set up anddry the better results you will have. before you sand or go on to any furthersteps after your two coats of paint just let it sit and cure for a while and thencome back for your next step.

now i've got two coats of paint on the entire dresser so i'm taking some sandpaper and i'm just going to distress a little bitwhere i want to see some wood come through so i am kind of just hitting thevery outside edges of the drawers and everywhere on the dresser that there'san edge that would naturally be distressed. i sanded all the edges on the dresser sonow i'm going to sand every other part of the dresser that i painted so everysurface, the sides, the drawers, on the top you're going to want to sand lightlyuntil you see some depth in the paint and it starts to look aged and weathered.this is one of the things that makes chalk paint look like chalk paint.thelast step for the fake chalk paint look

is to put on a fake clear wax. we'regoing to use baby oil because it's made of mineral oil which is the mainingredient in a lot of commercial clear wax or soft wax products. if you're usingwhite paint try to use a white rag because some of the fabric willinevitably get hung up in the paint and you will be picking out little fiberslater if you don't match up your rag to your paint color. you literally only put a fewdrops of baby oil on your rag like this. you can see as you put it on whereit covers you really don't need to put on a lot. i'm going to go ahead and dothe entire dresser just like this and then come back for the next step.

i should have left the hardware on in the beginning but i didn't know what iwanted to do but if your hardware was on you would just paint it along with therest of the dresser like. this the last step on this dresser is just to wipe it all down. get the all excess baby oil off. once i get it wiped off there itwill give it a smooth and waxed finish. i'm using a cotton t-shirt todo this with and it works great. it smooths all the baby oil out and absorbs anythingextra and it just gives it a nice matte, chalk like finish that is perfect for afake chalk paint dresser this. this is the final result for the fake chalk paint dresser. i have chalk painted a lot of furniture and i cannot tell a differencewith this whatsoever. it totally looks

like chalk to me so there we go. there's the fake chalk paint dresser. please check out myother videos i have a lot on chalk paint and furniture restoration and pleasedon't forget to "like" and subscribe thank you!

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