vorhänge schlafzimmer kurz

vorhänge schlafzimmer kurz

you thought it was over ...that niceguymcfly would never make another part... to one in the chamber. you. thought. wrong. (get prank'd) back again... animated by the way more talented, kelseyanimated. ladies and gentlemen, with the face of a bby the height of marty mcfly the voice of a game show host... my name is niceguymcly

and welcome to "one in the chamber" part two! what could possibly go wrong ? *spooky laughter :(* m a k e i t s t o p *very spooky laughs :0* as with the last one certain things will be cut to save on time, and in the case of this video to keep it from being taken down from youtube because it's-it's really bad this time, let's get into it folks. we're going off right at the end of "one in the chamber" part one, so if you haven't seen that video

you probably want to, otherwise you're gonna be a little bit confused (the story begins with 2-dizzle :0) i must have dozed off when i came to there was a light in the room and she was gone. despite myself i felt a little bit disappointed. i mean yeah, it's probably a good thing when the underage girl you technically just (insert salt pun) assaulted ain't still around when you wake up. :/ 2-dizzle: " augh..." i palm my face groaning. what is wrong with me? it felt every bit like i just screwed my little sister. several times. in multiple positions. we even did the rare gorillaz position! (u sick fuk) (ayyy lmao)

k i l l m e 2-dizzle: thinking that breakfast might clear the cobwebs from my mind, i got up, got dressed, and made my way down the stairs toward the kitchen. last bit of stairs, minding the bum third step. i turned the corner and- :0 noods: "ohaio toochie kun!" 2-dizzle: buggah me... yes, bugger me indeed tea and crumpets hohohoho british noises. russ and murdoc were seated around the kitchenette.

noodle was working the stove. now, i'm gonna try to do a murdoc and russell impression, but, i can't guarantee any promises that they'll be any good murdong: "what happened to you m8?" i perked up; murdoc was studying me. his good eye narrowing inquisitively. 2-dizzle: wot murdoc: ehhh, ya look like ya spent the night in prison get bummed by a walrus. and i wonder what that would sound like... *horrible walrus sounds ohh my gosh*

russeel: "why would a walrus be in prison?" russ inquired, with a ma- mphtphtphhtphphphp *a n g e r e y* "why would a walrus be in prison?" russ inquired around a mouthful of toast. "crimes against fish." murdoc stated matter-of-factly. and then, for any benefit, he leaned in loudly to whisper, "of the lewd and lavish variety of course." noodle pulled up her usual chair across from me and dug in. this particular morning she had on striped drain pipes

d-drain pipes? what did she do rip em' off the bottom of the sink?! hey, jerry, hey, jerry. what are we put her in jerry? drain pipes? yeah, that's frriggin sexy dude! what mom? no mom! no, i don't have any weird fetishes. 2-dizzle: i tried not to look her way. i really did (ppppppppedo) but every so often i'd go to glance up and my eyes would immediately go to her chest. :0 i kinda wanted to see her nips again. *mcfly attempts to do the ancient art of whistling*

chris, chris hansen help me. 2-dizzle: with breakfast done, i quickly cleared my space and dipped out, careful to avoid noodle's gaze. i closed the door to my room and threw the heaviest bolt resting my back against the solid wood frame. once again, there came a timid knock at my door. i knew who it was. toochi? the knocking got louder more insistent, i undid the top bolt and opened the door.

noods: "can we talk toochie?" the corner of her lip was bruised from where she had been chewing it. geez, how hard was she chewing on it? is that a fetish thing? i wouldn't know. me and the odd1sout share the same fetish. having a grillfriend. hahaha i'm gonaa die alone! :d "i am so sorry!" she began after a time "i was lonely... but i have dishonored my fam-a-ree to do what i did. "

2-dizzle: "it's my fault. i mean, i guess i kind of forgot that you were um... you know 14 and that." a horrifying thought occurred to me, what if i had been her first? oh god x100000 ohhh noo 2 dizzle: but nohoho there was no way no way on earth!

noodle banged like a loaded freight train running on an hour late for the station! excuse me; wha? "noods i (????). i am so sorry. you ain't done nothing wrong it's all my fault!" noodle shook her head, her face buried in the crux of my neck. noods: "no toochie, deja vu it's my fault." i've had a crush on you, a bad one

for years. "noodle," i began after much deliberation, "i'm ya know, flattered than that, but, i'm like, way older than you. by a lot and- noodle fidgeted in place, a long streak of red spanning the distance between either cheek. "i won't tell." my tarantula pits shot open as wide as they could get. "that's not what i meant."

but i could see it in her eyes now a freshly turned over ember of determination growing steadily hotter :o now noodle says, "yo" instead of "your" so, i'll turn it into a racial stereotype every time she does "i want you," noodle growled her gaze firm resolute, "i have wanted you for years, every time you take some stupid groupie into your bedroom, i go in mine and screen into my pillow.

everything you do, everything about you, makes me crazy! yo creepy eyez yo smell i'm a racial stereotype." and as she slid into my lap it finally occurred to me. this was the new normal. well umm,

okay, noods, and i were together, all intimate like and that. let's see, she she was on top of me, she was straddling me, l-like a hoooooorsey because they're like faaaamily it's a real lollipop he's giving her behind the curtain not an analogy for something else!

heheh... *very very spooky laughter* (oh.. oh no..) wanted to hear her moan. (dafaq?) i wanted to make her scream my name! (plzstap) is this story called one in the chamber because the plot makes me want to play russian roulette with a 44? because i really want to do that now. honestly i think i could have died right then and there been totally fine with it is it a weird thing to say? i mean

what more could a guy ask for out of life front man for an awesome alt-band, enough drugs swimming through my veins to stack a pharmacy, cute albeit illegal girl in my bed. if neil degrasse tyson were to walk through my bedroom door and blow out the back of my head with a rhinestone-encrusted derringer i don't think i would have protested much. did someone say rhinestones? your love's like rhinestones falling through the sky... da da da dada da da da (mm such grace) noods: "toochie please! d o n ' t s t o p. (d e a r l o r d p l z s t ap)

wait, what's happening? is that? is this full detail..? is this smut? o h god. oh, oh, god. augh i'm gagging, i'm actually gagging. *god why* basically let's keep it short here. they had sex. they're sitting in bed, and they're quite tired because they had s e x and there was a lot of thrusting motion. "it's late." she whispered, "i should go."

"yeah." after a moment's hesitation noodle slowly went to distangle herself from me, and i didn't let her i just sort of held on which sounds a lot more rapey than it actually was i asure you. oh nooooo it's not rapey at aaaall. you didn't have sex with an underage girl or anything. it's totally fiiiiine. you can't see it, but i'm rocking back and forth in my beanbag chair because i'm going insane *w o a h w o a h s p o o k y l a u g h* (i'm legit concerned) well that was vile and disturbing and chapter 5 is going to be even worse

thanks for watching if you liked it. go ahead and give it a like and consider subscribing as well as giving any constructive criticism you may have. chapter four and five are coming next. and they're probably going to be even worse so you know if i wind up dead at the end of this from all of the trauma... i apologize, but yeah, i'll see you guys in the next video. buh bye. :)

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