heizkörper für wohnzimmer berechnen

heizkörper für wohnzimmer berechnen

alright good morning good morning guys. time for another travel day. i feel like i'm saying that a lot lately. yeah, it sure is. um, we didn't have much time in madrid. it was one of the shortest stays we're goingto have on this entire trip in europe. we just had 4 nights but we arrived reallylate on the first night. so it was basically just 3 days. time just flew by.

we had so much to do and see and yeah we'realready hitting the road again. but the good news for at least for us is thatwe have a shorter travel day today. yes, an hour and a half. a little over an hour and a half i believe. we are going to valencia and we are goingon the high speed train i think. yeah, it is going to be exciting. it is our first train ride on this trip ineurope so yeah we're hoping to be doing more train travel in italy but our first trainride in spain. okay so before we check out of the apartmentwe're going to give you guys a little as usual.

as we always do. and as you can probably hear. can you hear the squeaks? the floors here are super squeaky. but anyways this is the main entry to theapartment. and the first thing you come across is thekitchen. the kitchen. yeah, so the kitchen is looking a little messyso we'll need to tidy up a bit. yeah, we're still going to have we're goingto have a quick salad i think before we even

go. but yeah it was a good sized kitchen. it was. we cooked a lot while we were here. we did. mostly pastas. yes, this is where we cooked them. right here. yeah.

and then we had a washer which was reallynice. oh, at long last we were able to do laundry. that is like the our first two places in portugalno laundry machine and i don't like going to the laundromat too much. it is a hassle. it can be a hassle yeah. so just off of the kitchen you have the bathroomso i'll let sam go in. okay. so yeah this was just a very standard toilet,very standard bathroom but but by far the

best feature was the shower. great water pressure. like a fantastic amount of hot water. there wasn't a moment where i felt cold inthere. no cold shower. and uh you know in europe in the winter thatis so appreciated. okay let's continue this way. so down the hall we have sam's parents bedroom. they are hiding in there.

yeah, we've been banishing them to the bedroomsfor our tours. oh man. and that leads to the dining slash livingarea. yeah this was really nice. this was a real highlight of this place. like just the size of this apartment was huge. really really big common space and then alsojust for sense of scale let me just show you how high this ceiling are. high ceilings.

it is in a beautiful old building. um it is great. oh, also i should mention after being coldin our first two destinations in portugal we had radiators. ah, we had central heating in the home guys. it was like we weren't cold. we woke up like i could actually go to bedin a t-shirt. what a change. and that brings us to the last room.

the bedroom. this is where we stayed. yep. glass mirror. tada. yeah, it was cool. and yeah nice big bed. lots of space. drawers.

and yeah this was this like this apartmentscores so highly in so many different ways. like for first everything that should be workingwas. especially in the winter. having heat was just incredible after beingcold in the 1st two portugal apartments. um the other thing too that was great aboutthis place was the location right? yes. very central. let's see if we can actually give you a littlepeak at our view. and if you look out.

if you look out here it is a nice neighborhood. it was a nice neighborhood and it was reallyclose to what was it opera station? uh, yes we're right by royal theatre. right by the royal theater. right by a metro stop. right by the churros place. the chocolaterã­a san ginã©s. no wonder we were going there so often. we were like a stone throw away.

but yeah that concludes the apartment tour. we're all packed up now. we're just going to have a quick snack andthen it is off to the train station. and wait until you see this train station. i think it is the most beautiful in all ofeurope. it is grand. i can't wait to go back. and the hungry hippo got what? lots of sandwiches.

we got three sandwiches with spanish ham andtwo empanadas with tuna. and i have to say the prices when you're rightby the departure gates. double! like quadruple. i would even say quadruple. like they wanted to charge us 12 euros fora sandwich down there. yeah it was crazy. here we ended up paying 3.50 euros which isn'tbad. yeah, so go to the outskirts of the stationif you're going to eat.

yeah, the far end. big bonus budget travel tip right there. anyways why don't we take a little peak. you don't have to take a bite but just showus. we're going to eat those on the train. look at this. yeah, that looks awesome. it looks awesome. and these massive empanadas.

with tuna. i know we're going to be well fed on the train. i'm going to start eating this now i'm noteven waiting. haha. she told me if i don't hurry i'm not goingto get a shot. hahaha. right? and how is it? tasty.

the meat is delicious. i've already had mine. so what do you guys think so far? we're noticing it is really spacious. it is spacious. what do you think? and very aerodynamically designed. indeed. look we have all of our bags up here.

mine is up on the other side. so this train is going to go like a bat outof hell. i hope so. and i think we're going to go into the diningcart and get a wine later. oh. alright so here is to our first train ridein europe. salut. not only train ride. fast speed.

i know. highs speed train ride. it has got up to 230 km now. i haven't checked for a while but it mighteven be faster. it is going. and we've got wine. cheers. and we've got a great place to drink it. and guess what?

our trip is only an hour and a half. we'll be there before we know it. we might have time to finish our wine. yeah, that is right. maybe. forget 230 what is it at now? 285 km. we're going to hit the sound barrier prettysoon. there you go.

if we keep going like this. you know what i call something like this? what? this this kind of train is a high performancegazelle. a high performance gazelle. this is a high performance gazelle train. i think it has got a high performance gazellewith gas. with gas. hahaha

alright popping open the wine. it is time for dinner in the apartment. it is a do it yourself dinner. we were hungry during siesta time. it is only like 3:50 pm in the afternoon butwe're having an early dinner. yeah, we're right across from the centralmarket but that closed at 3:00 pm. it closed at 3 and the supermarkets are closedas well. so i picked up four kebabs here. we've got like chocolate desserts from thebakery and then we have some local wine.

vino tinto. what could be better right? what could be better. do you want a medium or large one dear? i'll have a large please. glug glug glug. this is a normal sized one. the ones with writing on them are normal. thank you.

you're welcome. this will be good. this should be good. well first bite? well well. what is in it? uh these are chicken. these are chicken. mmmmm.

is it good? thumbs up. we have enough for breakfast a baguette. it has been a few hours since lunch. yeah, it has been. valencia. woo hoo! look i'm dripping all over the place here. i'm just going to keep that right there.

alright guys. it is time for our post-dinner stroll. yeah, we had a big meal. huge meal. fat kebabs. big fat kebabs, big fat chocolate pastriesand big glasses of red wine so we need to burn some calories. yeah, we haven't seen the town yet. no.

i mean we got here by taxi. so we figured go for a little stroll. let's enjoy let's enjoy. let's go for a little walk before it getsdark. this city appears to have so many cool restaurants. and tapas bars. especially where we are staying. we're going to be eating really well for sure. oh yeah.

okay so that was a very short walk becauseit has now started to rain. but we came away with a few treats. you got yourself some artisanal jam. no it is not a jam. oh, i thought you got jam. it is a spread. it is a spread made with black olives, walnutsand spices. yeah, and i got some licorice all--sorts andi got 3 packs for my parents. they were 1.50 euros each.

uh huh. so that is going to be a great way to endthe day. so we will say goodbye for now and we'll havefood videos and a travel guide from valencia soon. see you guys later. see you. bye. tata.

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