heizkörper wohnzimmer bilder

heizkörper wohnzimmer bilder

hello there my name's gavin, and welcome to this episode of the slow mo guys very oddly presented from my living room. a while ago, i made a video called "how a camera works in slow-mo" and the response was great, so i thought a good natural progression to that video would be how a tv works in slow-mo. this is an 85 inch lcd tv and whenever i'm playing something on it, or watching something on it, my eyes and brain are being misled and tricked, giving me the illusion of watching a moving object when in fact i'm just watching several still images just shown to me very, very fast. if i'm watching a film, i'm being shown 24 images every second,

and to my eyes that looks like i'm looking at a moving object, when in fact i'm looking at 24 individual pictures. if i'm playing a game, it's the same except maybe 30 to 60 frames a second, and if i'm on a pc it could be hundreds **coughpcmasterrace** but a tv like this is actually incapable of showing you one image, and then a twenty-fourth of a second later just switching all at once to the next image. and to illustrate this next point, i'm gonna use a very old, and very crap crt tv that stands for cathode ray tube. if you've ever seen one of these filmed,

you may notice that it looks slightly different on camera than it does to your eye look at that the reason it looks like this is because the shutter speed of this camera is out of sync with the refresh rate of this screen. the frame is constructed from the top to the bottom, multiple times per second -- that's 60 times in the us, 60 hertz i've prepared for you some high-speed footage that i shot a long time ago on the v2511 of this screen and this screen and some others. a lot of it is dan playing super mario on the nes extremely badly.

here's the tv and the cat played back at 25 this is how it would be perceived in real time and now at 1600 frames a second you can actually see the scanline moving from the top to the bottom. you'll notice that on a crt screen, it's only the active line of pixels that's bright, and your persistence of vision will actually build that into a complete image. it's messing with my eyes this it's like a dance floor aghhh... didn't even make it past the first guy slowed all the way down to 2500 frames a second,

you can now differentiate each individual frame being built from top to bottom. it takes an extremely fast camera to see that each frame is built line by line from top to bottom but it takes an even faster camera to see that each line is drawn from left to right. slow down to 28,500 frames a second we're now seeing glimpses of that, but we do need to go even slower. this is now 118,000 frames a second i'm going to put the stats up for you here so you can see the actual amount of time that it took, and you can see now that the line is being drawn from left to right on the screen now a 146,000 frames a second.

to gain perspective on just how slow this actually is you can see the exact time i shot this. so this is hours, it was just past midnight, 23 minutes 41 seconds this is a tenth of a second, a hundredth of a second, one thousandth of a second or a millisecond, and then over here you've got a ten thousandth of a second a hundred thousandth of a second, and this unit here is the millionth of a second or a microsecond. we are now at 380,000 frames a second as our recording frame rate. that is the highest frame rate we've ever shot so far on this channel and using this information here's a little bonus fact: a crt screen can draw mario's moustache in less than a 380,000th of a second.

that is some seriously fast facial hair. and if you're wondering why this footage looks extremely mucky and blurry, it's because the resolution is only 256 by 128 which plunked into a 4k frame is... this big. that crt screen is standard def. this is a 4k screen which means it's 3840 by 2160 pixels that's over 8 million pixels so think of the processing power that this tv has to have to update an image that big for that many times every second the first thing you'll notice about a modern lcd screen is that it's

not only the active line of pixels that retains brightness it's the entire image, so you can actually see the full image as each scanline passes down the screen this is every frame of the startup sequence on an xbox one i also recorded myself playing game of halo nothing to make you feel worse about your performance than watching your lousy aim in slow-mo look at that it's crazy to think that when you're playing halo. this is actually what is happening on your tv if only you could see it as speed your aim would be incredible it honestly makes me feel bad when i fall asleep watching tv knowing that this tv is doing all this intensive work changing literally tens of millions of pixels every second and there's no one there watching it. here's a fun fact the same applies to an iphone except

it's in portrait mode, so if you're watching a video in landscape mode on your iphone you're actually getting updates from left to right or right to left depending on which way you flipped it and that just proved to me that you can't see the refresh direction with your naked eye, because i had no idea whenever i was watching a youtube video on my iphone that the screen was updating in a completely different direction i'm not sure if this is the case for all smart phones, but it's certainly the case on an iphone 7 plus which is what i film this on so we've talked about one illusion of tv's the illusion of movement the second illusion i want to talk about is the illusion of color for this next part. i'm going to need a second camera. here's one that's you hello you so in order to film this screen extremely close. i want to set my focus

the minimum possible distance so it's sort of like right here now set to my minimum focus as i slowly moved towards the screen it becomes sharper, and you will then at the last minute see a very odd looking pattern and what you're seeing there is an effect caused by the camera this camera trying to resolve individual pixels on the surface of this screen as i push further forward the effect disappears and everything goes out of focus that's because i'm now beyond the minimum focal distance of this lens which is about what it's about they're not close enough in order to get closer. i'm gonna need a macro lens here's one as i approach the white and everything starts to become infocus

you can see that white isn't so white anymore it looks like i have to go closer even than that thankfully i can go all the way to five times magnification now one thing from this point i am definitely gonna need a tripod because there's no way my arms are sturdy enough to hold this in place but i'll just ease it in just to show you the level of magnification. we're talking about now mm-hmm well this close it's a different story altogether, i'm gonna get a tripod. here's one what a mission this is

we're so close up right now that i can actually disturb this image by blowing on the lens we're now looking at the sub pixel level a pixel is made up of three sub pixels red green and blue rgb you may have heard that before and this creates the illusion of different colors by dimming and brightening different sub pixels to different intensities this screen can create the illusion of literally millions of different colors when all three are lit to full brightness you get white when all three dim you go through gray all the way down to black so if green dims away and red and blue are still lit then you go into magenta purple. that's all very and that's how the colors are made so every time on your tv you're looking at a white image. you're looking at tons of blue green and red lights

they're just so small. they look like white to your eye before you get white red green and blue blurs into yellow cyan and magenta and that's what happens here when i move the screen slightly out of focus this is too close to watch the slow mo guys video i might vomit it's the same situation just entire blocks and they're bigger as i mentioned before this is a 4k lcd screen which a while back were typically lit by c cfls or a cold cathode fluorescent lamp which means the entire panel is backlit by fluorescent tubes nowadays

they are backlit by leds this is why this would actually be marketed as an led tv the benefit of led screens over ccfl screens is that they're a lot thinner now? now i'm going to point it at where some black text is now interestingly even though this area is black because all the sub pixels are dimmed. they are still in fact backlit. let me show you that right now now you can see as we push in here you have to pardon noise were an extremely high iso to get this shot through a macro lens you can see even the dimmed pixels part of the liquid crystal display as it's now trying to block all light from penetrating through, but it's still a backlit pixel, and that's one of the fundamental limitations of an lcd screen you can see this effect on an lcd screen in the credits of a film because got almost completely black image

but because there's white text the entire backlight has to be on to display the white which means light will leak out from the black pixels which means it's not true black. there is another technology that's becoming much more common these days and that is an oled-screen organic light-emitting diode i did want to include a comparison between an lcd panel and an oled panel but i didn't actually have an oled tv and by sheer luck right in the middle of me shooting all this footage lg got in touch and offered to supply me with an oled tv for the purpose of making this video, which i really appreciate thanks, lg. what are we going to take a look at it? this is a 77 inch lg oled tv the way oled technology works. is that each pixel is? self-illuminating depending on how much voltage is passing through it, which means there's no global backlight on the tv each pixel is

individually in control of how bright is and it's not being lit from behind and that means when we go to our high iso experiment just like we've done the lcd that when there's an area of black on the screen all of those pixels are off and you can see here where i'm putting my cursor in front of the lens you can see each sub pixel lighting up and then completely turning off when it goes away this technology means much deeper blacks and the possibility of a very thin screen. and there you have it a brief explanation of how a tv works in slow-mo. if you found that video interesting chances are, you might find some other videos interesting on this channel. so make sure you *boop* [subscribe] and once you booped feel free to check out our *kneet* [merchandise]. it's just there. thank you very much for watching

that was good timing wasn't it? *laughs* tv timed out and now there's fireworks

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