tiefe couch

tiefe couch

texas has really been on my mind a lot lately,and i wanted to honor the state in my own way with a countdown. i respectfully dedicatethis list to everyone who has been affected by hurricane harvey. if you’d like to helpwith the relief efforts, links will be posted below. 11. “the gamer ghost”: this alleged ghostwas caught on video rummaging around the property of an arcade in dallas the phantom blob glides over the grass andquickly fits through an entranceway. it’s pretty convincing to me. here’s a secondvideo of it. this looks like a cheaper camera, but it picks up the same shape. the only possibleexplanation i have besides the paranormal

is maybe an insect is crawling across thelens. 10. “the institute of texan cultures”:this famous museum in san antonio has many pieces of history and a wealth of strangeoccurrences at night. workers often hear their name called, have their clothing tugged on,and sometimes see a transparent ghost that they think originated from one of the manyancient native american artifacts on display, or maybe even the sacred land that the museumwas built upon. here’s another video taken one night showinga door pop open for no reason at all. this wasn’t a regular door either. it wasa locked security vault and nobody was near. i guess this could be a publicity stunt todraw visitors to the institute, but i doubt

they would disrespect native american cultureby faking all of this. or at least i hope not. 9. “the alamo”: these books appear tobe flying of the shelf all by themselves at an alamo [“al-a-mo”] gift shop after hours. it’s hard to tell if they were truly pulledout by a ghost or if someone was just pushing them out from the other side of the shelfand playing a prank. we’ll never know for sure, but if this were to happen anywherein texas, then a historical site like the alamo would be a very likely location. 8. “the marfa lights”: these strange lightshave been floating around in the desert for

years with no reasonable explanation. but floating is not all they can do. theselights are also known to change sizes, split apart, merge, and disappear at random. sometimesthey even seem to land on the ground and travel at high rates of speed, which makes some peoplesuspect that they are u f os. i personally have no idea what these lightscould be, but maybe we can figure it out together. some people say that it’s a natural phenomenonthat’s caused by a build-up of electricity. however, i don’t see any obvious weatherdisturbances in any of these videos. 7. “ghost prints”: these railroad tracksin san antonio are said to be notoriously haunted by the spirits of schoolchildren afteran incident with their bus and a train. even

though no such incident is officially on record,a lot of locals still believe in the legend. one of them is yazmin mendez, who even saysthat she has video proof to back it up. she recorded a paranormal experiment withsome interesting results. here’s what you have to do: first, put baby powder all overyour car and then slowly drive across the tracks. sometimes childlike handprints appearon the car from the ghost children as they touch your car, like yazmin says happenedhere. i definitely see what she means, but at thesame time, i couldn’t help but notice that real kids were standing all around both cars.it could be just a coincidence, but it could also be their handprints instead of a ghost’s.but even still, there are plenty of other

people who say that they have successfullyreplicated this experiment, so this video definitely could be real. let me know if youbelieve the results of this texas ghost test. 6. “the river monster”: okay, so thisis the size of an ordinary gar fish . . . and this is the size of one when you livein texas . . . this gigantic specimen is estimated to beabout 60 years old and weighs about 200 pounds. they eat just about everything in sight andtheir only predator (besides humans) are alligators. nothing else is big enough to stand againstthem. they are basically living dinosaurs and definitely one of the most mysteriousspecies to be found lurking in texan waters, so tread carefully.

5. “dry creek grave yard”: there’s agrave yard in the community of poetry that is famous for a very strange phenomenon: flashlight-controllingghosts. apparently spirits will sometimes take control of flashlights in this area,apparently using them to communicate with the living and answer basic questions. what’s really weird to me is how the lightslowly fades away instead of turning straight off like normal. and this isn’t the only video i’ve foundwhere this happens: can somebody explain how this is happeningif it’s not being caused by the paranormal? you can’t see the bottom of the flashlightin the second video, so maybe their hand is

still on it, but nobody is touching the flashlightin the first video, so that one looks especially real. and if you have ever tried this at dry creekgrave yard, then we would definitely like to read what happened to you next, so pleaselet us know in the comments section. 4. “the seat”: a simple couch may seemlike the last thing in the world that you would ever be afraid of, but there’s a usedone for sale in waco [“way-co”] that everyone is too chicken to buy. that’s because strangethings happen to anyone who goes near it. it all started when a customer simply droppedthe couch off over a decade ago because it caused too many bad things to happen to hispersonal life, though he didn’t care to

explain exactly how. the first thing thatthe storeowner noticed, aside from the nervous mannerisms of the person who dropped it off,was that he himself felt weird when he sat on it. the cursed furniture also smelled likesulfur [“sul-fer”] – a pungent stench that is usually associated with the underworld. despite all of this, he decided to put iton the sales floor anyway. soon doors all around the store began to open on their ownand no cell phone signal could be found when people tried to use them within the generalvicinity of the couch. that’s not all. after two workers touchedthe couch, they were both separately involved in incidents with their cars. there’s alsoa dark red stain under the cushions, when

it was dna-tested, and a hole that could havebeen caused by a discharged round. exactly what happened on this couch is anyone’sguess. 3. “samantha stares back”: the driskill[“dris-skill”] hotel is one of the most legendarily haunted hotels in all of texas.this is where you’ll find a painting of a senator’s four-year-old daughter namedsamantha, who supposedly fell down a flight of steps at the hotel and met her end. hersoul is said to reside in the painting now, and she will change facial expressions ifyou look at her for long enough. just look at happens when this youtuber namedemily takes a glance at the painting. after freaking out for a bit, emily bravelywalks back up to the picture and takes another

look. try to examine the picture when thecamera zooms in on it and tell me if you see samantha’s eyes move. i personally do notsee it, but maybe i’m missing something. if you want to find out what else this paintingcan supposedly do, then be sure check out my other video called “7 haunted paintings”. 2. “hugo’s house of horrors”: a youtubernamed hugoblog is curiously poking around an old abandoned mansion with his friendsin houston [“hew-stin”] as they search for nothing in particular. the crumbling estatelooks like it can fall on their heads at any minute, but they bravely keep going in asdeep as they dare. i don’t speak any spanish, but i tell bytheir voices that they get weirded out by

something and decide to leave. later theyare all reviewing the video of their exploration along with some digital pictures when onestill shot in particular grabs their attention. can you see the silhouette of a girl peeringat them through the railing? i definitely can. another youtuber named luis gomez says thathe went there too, and that his camera picked up two children standing in a doorway lookingat him, much like the photo you just saw. but this story gets much weirder than that.there’s a bunch of text at the end of the video that says someone met their end in thehouse. nobody was able to find the person responsible.

i wasn’t sure if i believed this story,so i did some googling and i managed to find the exact same text on a houston police blotter.the police gave an address, and when i put it into google maps, it took me back to thehouse in the video. in other words, the story is real and somebodyreally did meet their end at this location. nobody knows why. needless to say, hugobloghas not been back since. before we get to number 1, my name is chillsand i hope you’re enjoying the video so far. if you've ever been curious as to whati look like in real life, then follow me on instagram @dylan_is_chillin_yt, with underscoresinstead of spaces. i also have twitter @yt_chills where i post video updates. i'd really appreciateit if you followed me and feel free to send

me a dm if you have a questions or suggestions.also, i recently created a subreddit, where you can submit videos and stories for futurelists, it’s r/chillsnarrator and the link is in the description below. if you’d liketo see more of these videos in the future, then hit that subscribe button because i uploada new video every thursday. if english isn’t the only language you speak and your interestedin getting a shoutout, click “more”, then “add translations”, by translating thevideo not only will more people be able to watch it, but a link to your channel willbe added in the description. 1. “kissing bugs”: you may be wonderingwhat something called a “kissing bug” is doing at number 1 until you realize thatthis is what it’s version of a “kiss”

is. these bugs are known for doing the same thingas mosquitos but on people’s faces at night, especially on their lips (hence their name).as this bug helps itself to your face, it is also potentially spreading a nasty ailmentcalled chagas [“sha-gahs”]. the c d c recently released a report thatsays you have a 30% chance of getting chagas in your lifetime. if this happens, you couldfeel fine for months before displaying any ill effects, and even then these effects mightbe mild at first. you could feel fatigued and feverish, and you might think you havea bad flu when really the bug’s ailment is just working its way deeper into your body.

it can lay dormant in your system for decadesbefore striking. it could make your heart increase in size so badly that it doesn’tbeat properly anymore, or your entire digestive system could grow so large that you can’teven stand to eat or use the facilities anymore from the horrible cramps all throughout yourbody. this ailment can take your life if it is notdetected early enough, and even if it is detected, it might still be too late to completely getrid of. you can only control it with things that are so powerful that only the cdc isallowed to administer them, and even these come with alarming side effects that nobodywould want to have. and to think, all of this can come from a simple bug bite in the stateof texas.

thanks for checking out this video. be sureto subscribe because we upload new countdowns every tuesday and saturday. or if you're stillnot convinced, here are some of our other videos that i think you'd like. enjoy!

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