26 Wohnzimmer Im Landhausstil Bilder

26 Wohnzimmer Im Landhausstil Bilder

hi everyone, i’m amythest and welcome toask an autistic. [music: i want a renaissance / to shine alight/ be the change we want / set things right / we've been waiting in the dark for so long...]central auditory processing disorder is a neurological condition that is commonamongst autistic people, but like spd or dyspraxia, does also occur in non-autistics. before we look deeper into capd, i want tomake a brief note here about receptive language disorders. as mel baggs has said, althoughthe two terms are sometimes incorrectly used interchangeably, having an auditory processingdisorder and a receptive language disorder are actually two different things.it is possible to have both capd and a receptive

language disorder, but they don’t alwaysgo hand in hand. a receptive language disorderis a form of cognitive impairment, defined by issues understanding language of any orall forms. but receptive language issues deserve theirown video, so i’ll stop there. but to sum up, capd and receptive language disordersare two different things. to put it simply, capd is a breakdown in thecommunication between the ears and the brain. a person who has capd probably has functionalhearing structures, but the brain struggles to filter, sort, recognize, isolate, prioritize,process, and remember auditory input- and that's a lot- with the most common strugglessurrounding spoken language.

this makes sense, as most people talk prettyquickly, and a lot of information comes at you all at once in a spoken conversation.considering dialects, accents, and speech impairments, and a person with capd can facedaunting struggles just trying to order a meal or have a conversation with someone.and this is to say nothing of background noise of daily life- there's blenders and coffeebean grinders, traffic sounds, car radios, raised voices filling restaurants, the roarof air conditioning units, music blaring from shops in cafã©s- well, you get the idea. so what is having capd like? what does someonewith capd experience day to day? the thing to keep in your mind as i explain, using someexamples from my own life too, is that our

society is obsessed with spoken language,and there tends to be very little acceptance or leeway for anyone who struggles with it.the other thing to remember is that every brain is different, and that goes for autisticpeople and people with capd or other auditory processing disorders. some common capd experiencesinclude: having difficulty picking out voices or certainsounds in noisy environments. it's pretty common to always be asking “pardon?”,“what?”, or “could you please repeat that?”, and you can say it, like, a hundredtimes in a conversation, it feels sometimes. missing or misunderstanding spoken instructionsat school or work. forgetting the spoken instructions or directionsthat you have already received, and needing

directions to be repeated for you.having difficulty distinguishing between the different sounds in words, sometimes becauseof similarity, like confusing a ch sound with a th sound.and experiencing a delay in hearing someone speaking or realizing that it is speech, orknowing that someone is speaking but being unable to pick out the actual words.and their voice may actually sound distorted, as if they are underwater, or like the adultsin "charlie brown". focusing on or completing an activity is astruggle when other sounds are happening, and you can find yourself easily distractedfrom the task at hand. difficulty with reading, comprehension, spelling,vocabulary, writing, or learning a new language

are very common.and so is having trouble in school, particularly with following along in lectures and takingnotes, with oral/audial testing and verbal math problems posing particular challengesfor some of us. you might also have difficulty following longconversations and you might become more fatigued by socializing more quickly than neurotypicalpeople. and finally, a slow or non-existent responseto spoken engagement is common- the classic example being the autistic child with an auditoryprocessing disorder who doesn't respond to their parents calling their name. a deer-in-headlightslook when asked a question is also pretty common, and both of those things, both thoseexamples can look like hearing issues or ddeafness

at first glance.not every autistic person with have capd, and not every person with capd will experienceevery trait or every symptom. and, like most other facets of a neurodivergent person’sabilities, capd can fluctuate in intensity and it often worsened by stress, like beingtired or being sick. so, a person with capd may be able to follow a conversation alongfine, or pick out lyrics from music one day, but may struggle with the same situationsthe next. and this doesn't mean the struggles aren't valid. it's just variable. and so understandingis key. when it comes to auditory processing issues,a lot of people, even professionals and doctors, will dismiss a person’s struggles with capdbecause often, when tested, their hearing

itself isn't impaired, which makes doctorsand parents think that there's nothing going on. but there is- it’s all just happeningneurologically. the issue isn't the structure of the ear or the hearing, it's sensory. it'sthe brain’s ability to recognize, identify, sort, and process the sounds from their environment.which i keep repeating, but it's kind of like, the central idea of what capd is.so the first and best way you can support someone with auditory processing issues isto believe them. the second best thing to do is to ask the person in question abouttheir experiences, to listen, and to trust that they know their brain best. and evenif they're a child, they might have insights into their auditory issues that you wouldn'thave thought of.

when communicating with people with auditoryprocessing issues, respect and patience are important. when you speak, try to enunciateand speak at a speed that works for the person listening, to the best of your ability. youcan try to make sure that the person isn’t getting left behind by asking “did you getall of that?” or “does that make sense?”. in group conversations, you can check in withthe person with capd every so often, and you can lead others in being conscious of howfast and clearly you're talking. if you are getting the deer-in-headlightsstare, or if person with auditory processing issues keep saying “what?” or asking youto repeat yourself, let them know it’s okay and try repeating yourself a little slowerand just a little bit louder. you can try

phrasing your sentence more simply if it gotkind of rambly, like i often get. if conversation is a struggle, you can also look around theenvironment. or ask the person. is there any background noise that could be interferingwith their ability to pick out your voice? and keep in mind that people with capd maybe able to hear or perceive things that you can’t or don't, like the whine of electronicsthat are "on" but on standby, or the “buzzing” of a light. and also, something that doesn’tseem loud or bothersome to you may be very loud and very bothersome to someone with sensoryissues. and if a person with capd tells you that theyare having trouble understanding you, you can ask what you can do to help- for example,they may need you to turn and face them when

you speak, so that they can use lipreadingin combination with listening to understand what you're saying better. you can also tryto use more straightforward sentences, if that's something that you and the person withcapd have found helpful, although you always want to avoid speaking to a person of anyage as if they were a dog, or a very small child, or incapable of understanding. tonedefinitely matters, and there are ways to speak clearly and simply without using thedreaded ~voice~. all you disabled people out there, you know what i mean.for parents of kids with capd, there are some things you can do to make sure that home isa safe place where your child can recharge and rest. 'cause the world is loud, so youneed to have a safe haven. the first thing

is to reduce the amount of background noisegoing on. i have been inside homes where the radio is playing in the kitchen, the televisionis playing in the living room, and a bunch of people are there all trying to talk overthis noise, which means they are all pretty much shouting. this makes for a particularlyunfriendly and exhausting environment. so my first tip is: if the television is notin use, turn it off. same with the radio. and try to keep music volumes low.and if you are trying to have a conversation your child, or if your child needs to be engagedin an activity that requires auditory processing or concentration, try to make the environmentas peaceful and quiet as possible. this especially goes for homework time. the kitchen tableor living room is often too stimulating and

breaks focus. so a dedicated homework area,even just a corner, in the quietest location you can find is a good idea. if reducing theambient noise isn’t possible- like when there are noisy siblings around- providingearplugs or ear protection, or noise-cancelling headphone, which, if you want, can play whitenoise, or quiet, calm instrumental music with no lyrics. those things can help.and if your child has trouble understanding or recalling spoken instructions, you canprovide them in a visual format, so they can understand, like a picture and/or word schedule,or a chart that breaks their activities, or chores, or self-care tasks into smaller steps.and as you work together to find a system that works for your child, keep in mind thatauditory processing struggles are real, and

that frustration is expected. but hopefully,with understanding and willingness to accommodate your loved one with capd, um, their individualneeds, life can be a lot less frustrating. while every child is different and will havetheir own sensory processing needs, there are some accommodations for a classroom-typeenvironment that can be generally helpful. these include:making an effort to speak clearly and loudly enough. reducing background noise as muchas possible. giving a student with capd a spot at the front of the classroom so thatthey can see and hear better. allowing the student to take tests or work on assignmentsin a quieter area, if they feel they need to. encouraging the use of assistive devicesin class, such as a recording device to record

lecture, or a personal fm system, which isa system in which the teacher wears a microphone and the student with capd wears a receiver.you can also allow students to wear ear protection or noise cancelling headphones when they needto. and providing an aid to assist in note-taking, following instructions, clarifying informationand answering questions, if that sounds like it would be helpful for the person is question.schools can also consider making the classroom a better auditory sensory environment overall.some sugegstions include adding carpeting, acoustic ceiling tiles, window treatmentslike curtains, and replacing light fixtures or light bulbs with lighting that doesn't“hum” or ”buzz”. these are positive changes that actually make for a better learningenvironment for everyone, neurotypical or

not. we all have sensory needs, after all.and it is useful to note that much of this can apply to a workplace, as well. like improvingthe sensory environment, decreasing ambient noise, providing printed notes or minutesfor meetings, and giving instructions in writing, like through e-mail. i hope that this video was informative foreveryone watching. if you have auditory processing disorder and you feel so inclined, pleasejoin in the discussion in the comment section under this video. i'm wondering, for you guys:what is capd like for you? and hat areas of your life does it affect? and what are yourtips and tricks for getting by in a noisy world? and what would you like people whodon’t have capd to know?

if you have a topic that you would like tosee covered in a future video, please feel free to post it in the comments or messageit to me. and as always, sources and further reading on today's topic can be found in thevideo description below. thank you for watching ask an autistic. [music: i want a renaissance / to shine a light / be the change we want / set things right / we've been waiting in the dark / for so long...] [to kitty, offscreen] just go lie down or something. [papers rustle] [loud thump] ouch. kitty is using the toilet. right now.as i'm trying to film.

[faint sound of water splashing] [toilet flush sound] [loud sound as phone falls to the floor]

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