wohnzimmer rot

wohnzimmer rot

reptiltv community, welcome to a new episode of reptiltv. look at the lovely animals here, which i don't really trust he looks as if he's about to knock me over you can tell from the animals, i am in south america, in argentina after 13 years i finally return to argentina i wanted to take another look at the teju farm and get to know adriano and pablo, who have taken over the farm our intro animal is this pretty alpaca the animals have always impressed me

so i asked our gaucho to catch one now i want to show you around the teju farm in argentina a brief glimpse around the farm apart from tejus they have all sorts of other animals over there the alpaca sheep, goats ducks pheasants run all over the place it’s a real zoo

and right in the centre the tejus the tejus are here in these cages as i said, i came here 12 years ago nothing has altered in the style of the place here are these walled cages, they used to be partly corrugated iron, but are now walled the tejus are really poor climbers so you can keep them with reasonably low walls

in the centre the roofed hide look here, there is some food they feed them a lot with chicken the large tejus have enormous appetites feeding chicken is really cost effective now i'll show you the people pablo pablo, say 'hello'! this is pablo

hello ;-) he is mainly the exporter this is adriano. hi adriano! hi! he manages this farm actually it is a partnership. she is adriano's wife. oh, that was pablo's wife adriano, i don't know if they've heard the jokes he has not got a wife, he has a husband he resists it of course

the argentine macho, there’s nothing like that here the other person walking around here is roberto. say 'hello'! well, we'll see him again later that is roberto who used to have the farm he was the one who started out with the tejus but he gave it up 7, 8 or 10 years ago. pablo and adriano run the teju business since we are in argentina all those of you, who are vegan please look away for a second

we have arrived and the first thing we do here is tasty, grilled meat i’m not sure, about 10 kilos of meat this is a feast to welcome us so, on we go - with a full stomach now i'll take you around the farm roberto used to have the farm i have told the audience that you began to breed tejus here you are the teju "godfather" in argentina, aren't you?

possibly, i think so yes; i think i was the first teju breeder he was definitely the first i've been standing here in the midst of smoke and mist i must move i'm sorry you can’t smell this, it really smells delicious you all know the italian saying, "viva la vida" the italians are really well-known for enjoying life. how do they put it? "la dolce vita"

the whole times 10 and you are in argentina the argentineans. we arrive and the first thing we do is have a quiet meal on the way we had an espresso at a petrol station etc. then we arrived and you can see what the table looks like the first bottle of wine has also been drunk the vineyard belongs to pablo's family they grow really delicious wine here. i still haven't filmed a single teju filming can drag on

i hope i can get some good shots for you, because with a full stomach and after two glasses of wine the technique will not improve. so, now that we have eaten really well and blathered away for a good hour at table we must finally look round. there are the animals okay, here we have lovely black ones three males and two females that is very interesting of course

i have already mentioned that you can keep teju males together we also notice, when we have a few there is always a dominant male who is the boss, they fight in the first instance the males are also definitely larger it is the mating season at the moment, we are now in november november is still the mating season 60 - 70 days depending on the temperature then the babies hatch

15 degrees and dry is what the red tejus need. at night time it goes almost to 0 degrees and in the daytime so, up to four months but that is not so cold in winter they also put in this straw this one wants to bite. 20 days ago they emerged from hibernation, that is why they are so thin for four to five months

they also eat fruits such as bananas and everything you can think of the females build nests like this and when they have laid the eggs they seal the nests this is how he knows there are eggs in it when the construction is shut, there are eggs in it usually he takes the eggs out he cannot leave them here for long, for the other tejus eat the eggs they do not eat the babies, just the eggs 28 to 30 degrees in the house

the fat one is pregnant. the black teju is more aggressive in feeding and everything the red ones are quieter and more laid back i heard this 12 years ago and they keep on saying that the carers or animal attendants, who look after them, prefer the red ones, because they are easier and tamer. so here are the red tejus. i did not realise until now that the males are a lovelier red

the female is pretty but has a lot more black on her. we have talked about parasites here's another female, darker and blacker every year 1.2 million red and black tejus are still killed and sold here for leather they are now starting to carry eggs inside their bodies. interesting, i did not know about the colour, that the females are not such a lovely red the females possibly have more black in order to stay warmer for the eggs.

the red tejus come from dry areas and the black ones from moist areas. another interesting fact roberto has just called out a hog-nosed snake is creeping along here did you nearly tread on it? roberto nearly trod on the snake snake hunter roberto :-) here they have 120 containers like this the pregnant females can lay their eggs in them.

they won't do this with all the females but they put a large number of them in, to control breeding another quick shot of the beautiful surroundings the scenery is really lovely here now we've become more cow tv that reptile tv columbus was the first to bring this species to america from that we get the angus cattle and lots of others besides. here he has found one of last year's babies we now want to take a little urine; i have brought a microscope

because we want to look under the microscope for flagellates he told me that he had problems with a few animals last year and i thought when we receive animals the young animals often have flagellates i thought that here they might also have flagellates. we are now taking the wee from the teju. i can give you a hand this is a really fine animal, with an orange-coloured belly and a black head

and wonderful markings they are really lovely with those black heads there must be a range where many of them occur with these black heads really interesting, the head is black as sin right down to the snout the largest teju is in here that is certainly not him wow, that must be him. and off he goes. and off they all go back into the hole adriano and pablo have a few other

animals here on their land. let's go around and film them some kind of long-tailed black monkeys you see ostriches running about all over the place these are lemurs. at least, i think they must be lemurs they are relatively curious they would be an ideal intro or outro animal but i don't want to do that to the poor little fellows that's a ostrich it looks as if it's guarding the tejus

typical of this region or of the south american continent the alpacas on the west argentina borders on the andes and that's the home of our friends here. and here we have, not ostriches they must be rheas, then but i do think they are ostriches who knows? ostrich or rhea?

carlos says that they are ostriches i made a mistake with rheas, rheas stay smaller and have two toes. ostriches have three toes i should have worked it out next time i must bring my children with me. there really is everything in lovely animals so, to repeat the difference is: the ostrich has two toes, as we see here the rhea has three toes and is markedly smaller

ostriches defend themselves with their feet if you are caught by a talon it is extremely painful. here are angora goats for everyone, who has an angora pullover the pullovers are made from these goats the coat changes underneath is the soft, fleecy coat that is what the pullovers are made of, when the animal is shorn. it’s a day later and i'm here with lito

yesterday we took urine samples from the tejus but when i got back to the hotel, the urine had dried out dried out to an extent that it was impossible to do anything with it. we want to put the urine under the microscope and look for protozoa therefore we are trying again today this is our plan for today and you can come with us today it is not as windy as last time, the day before yesterday, therefore the animals are out and about more today.

lito has scared away most of them - that's a fine fellow today we have got hold of some fresh urine now we place the whole thing under the microscope now we have hit a snag idiot that i am, i have forgotten to bring the adapter with me from the hotel i remembered tonight not to forget the adapter these are argentinean power sockets, they have such narrow gaps this is what they look like

and this is what our good german plugs look like and stupidly i have forgotten the adapter. until lito returns funny, here is an incubator with some bird's eggs in it look, a chick is just hatching i wondered what the noises were a little chick is coming out of the egg, amazing now we're filming farm tv while lito is looking for a solution, i'll get everything ready

here i have my samples i have my cover glasses somewhere in my pocket you should try travelling the world with a microscope you can be sure that you will be stopped at every customs point and scanner of course, you are asked what is in there i had packed it carefully, so that it would not be damaged in my hand luggage and i did not want to unpack it but i was lucky and was tested only for explosives, and none were found i had to undergo that twice and then i arrived with the microscope

have a look at this clever adapter if that is not perfect technology, then i don't know what is. we did a series on faecal analysis, but you know that with these slides here are the slides and then the protective glasses it would be nice, if i had a chair for the whole thing goes better with a chair good news is, 45 minutes later

having spent the whole time looking down the microscope, we have found nothing, the animals are absolutely clean no flagellates, no amoeba, nothing we sought out extra thin animals where we thought, perhaps something was going on but they need to feed on the fat of the summer good news and that is the reason why i came here because i wanted to see whether the animals here had problems last year there were breeding problems, hardly any babies

and i thought, because flagellates are a real problem for breeding, that the problem would also be here but they are absolutely clean. i saw sperm in the urine of one male that also shows that what you see is not all black, but you see something but we saw only normal things and that is the good news now i want to take you on our road trip we now want to look for tejus in the wild they are easy to find on the roads here

our problem is, perhaps you can see it in the sky, it is 17.30, we spent so long at the microscope and it must be said, at lunch as well that time has run away from us lito says that tejus are real sun worshippers at mid-day they lie on the road here in the evening at this time, they have already gone although it is still warm, 25 - 26 degrees at least most of them have already disappeared, so the chances are poor

that we will find any now but at least you are getting an impression of nature here and of the typical habitat of the black teju here in this area, buenos aires, cordoba, at this height there are only the black ones the red teju lives further north in the warmer area there in front of us was a guinea pig the further north you go the warmer and more tropical it becomes and then you get the red teju at one point they overlap, of course, but further up there are only the red ones a teju has just crossed that road here

but by the time i’ve got the camera out he has disappeared of course perhaps we could still find it of course, it is also interesting to see the climate and the habitat here here, some 5 kilometres from the farm it is interesting to see what their habitat is like for example, the sandy soil is typical for tejus it is also of course ideal for shorts and bare feet all reptiltv viewers know

my tip from africa never step out into strange terrain there could be snakes, but there are only two of us here and so i have to set out the problem comes with the thick undergrowth there is someone about half a metre from me laughing his head off at what i am doing here here underneath you can see passages, where they run through just like tortoises, they have their tracks

where they run along and possibly look for food stupidly, i can't find any here close to buenos aires or behind it, if you want to put it that way there is a huge lagoon or river uruguay is on the other side it is the widest river in the world, almost as wide as a sea but this is called a river here, or a lagoon where it flows there is a wonderful nature reserve if you look, over there is the lagoon at the edge of the road

i am here at the edge; today it has rained and been windy, so they have closed this off i cannot get in here but just walking along the fence i have discovered two tejus that's why i wanted to go in there, to look for tejus so i'm creeping around to see if i can find a hole in the fence further ahead so that we can see what there is here you have a better view of the lagoon there is no fence here, but deep waterhere you can see the lagoon a little better

there is no fence here, but deep water that's no good to me over there sits a lovely painted turtle my knowledge of turtles is too limited to say what that is here it sits, the lovely creature i have just rung someone in japan and sent him a photo. he was very excited and he asked if i could somehow put it in a box.

he really wants it but no chance at all that you could catch it here it is definitely some species of painted turtle i would say a yellow eared terrapin, but i'm sure to be wrong we have reached the end of our film; it was really exciting for me to see everything i'll be back in 12 years' time until next time, stay loyal, check my balls and the tejus and if you have time, the alpaca in south america. bye! i think it is almost 15 years or 12... i'm doing everything again

i really don't trust them, they'll bite my finger or the camera i wanted to know if he also has a tame alpaca ok, tame is something else the chair was too low, now everything fits. perfect!

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