wohnzimmer stylisch

wohnzimmer stylisch

we are going to need wooden beads in different sizes: 20mm, 16mm, 12mm, 10mm and a couple of 25mm and 30mm beads. then we are going to need a curtain ring, a needle and strong yarn. first, we cut off 3 strands with a length of 4m. then we take the strands at the middle, so we have a double strand with the length of 2m. next, we attach the strands to our ring. now, we take our double strand and thread both of the strands through the needle. then we are going to thread the beads onto our strands. but first we leave a space of 20cm.

then we thread a 12mm bead onto the strands. then three 10mm beads, then a 12mm bead, a 16mm and a 20mm bead. now, we are going to tie a double knot. next, we are going to leave a space again. then we thread a 16mm bead, a 12mm and three 10mm beads onto the strands.

next, we are going to thread only one strand through the needle. then we are going to thread a 10mm bead, a 12mm bead, a 16mm bead, then again a 12mm and a 10mm bead onto the strand. we do the same with the other strand. then, we thread - like before - three 10mm, one 12mm and one 16mm bead onto both strands again. we repeat the same with the other two double strands. after doing this, we take the 30mm bead and thread it on each of the double strands.

next, we take one of the double strands and we are going to thread a 20mm, a 16mm, a 12mm, a 10mm, a 12mm, a 16mm and a 20mm bead onto the strand. we do the same with the other 5 strands. now, we lay the beads in a zig-zag shape. then we take the both strands that are laying next to each other. and we thread a 25mm bead onto both strands. then we take the strands on the left and on the right side and thread the bead onto these strands. so it creates a circle. next, we take one of the double strands.

and make sure the strands wonâ´t get tangled up. then we are going to thread a 16mm bead, two 12mm, three 10mm, two 12mm and a 16mm bead onto the double strand. now, we lay the beads in a zig-zag shape again and thread the double strands through the needle. and we are goint to thread a 20mm bead onto each double strand. then we take the strands on left and on the right side again and thread the bead onto these strands. then we thread one strand onto the needle and we are going to thread three 12mm, one 10mm and three 12mm beads onto the strand. we repeat this with the other strands. then we are going to thread the double strand through the needle.

we are going to thread a 20mm bead onto our double strands. and a 12mm bead onto each double strand. now, we are going to thread all of the strands through the needle and thread a 25mm bead onto them. now, we are going to hang up our work and push the beads up. at the end we are going to thread a couple of beads onto our strands (20mm, 16mm and three 12mm beads). now, we are going to thread a single strand through the last bead and tie a double or triple knot.

at the end we are going to tie a knot with all of the strands.

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