wandgestaltung verschiedene farben

wandgestaltung verschiedene farben

hello and my name is jonah morris and i am going to be giving a sort of tutorial to the 2016 version of sketchup now if you'velearned the 2015 version then its almost the same exact thing really it's just awhole different format and it's not it's not really that far from a formatdifference really, they have a new display model here but anyways lets get into the tutorial so to anyone who's new to this when you open this up this is a new project this lady is default no matter what file you make. now if you press down on your mouse wheel it creates this rotation symbol and you can rotate around thescreen. ok so press down on the scroll wheel now if you hold down shift and you holddown the scroll wheel you can move to the

sides here, up and down and to the sides right. now if you use the scroll wheel you can zoom in and zoom out you can zoom in on different parts of yourdrawing and rotate off of that part of the drawings so that way you can do thatsuccessfully ok so let's get rid of this lady lets use the erasor tool now the eraser tool can be found at the very top right next to your cursor and your file and edit right here you know verytraditional symbol so lets erase this lady alright so click down and it erases. now we have a very blank template here so let's let's mess around with what is called the line tool, righthere, so lets click on the line tool, now what the

line tool is, in essence it createsline segments, so on the screen click on the spot and click on another and youhave a line segment and its three-dimensional we can rotate around it everything likethat so there's a line segment lets erase that really quick, now with your line segments you can reference it off of this green axis here or the red axis or theblue axis, blue is straight up and down your green is forward or backwards andyou're red is right and left so its click again anywhere on the screen andstart moving it to the sides, you can see it becomes red because that is perfectly aligned to 180

degrees, you can do this withthe green axis move up and down and just follow the path that the green is creating, you can do that backwards too or you can do blue now if you have a hard timekeeping your mouse straight and moving it around and you want to stay on a axishold down shift it highlights the color of the guide axis andcreates a lock, this can also be really good when you need to reference off ofanother object because you can move to the right and it creates a referencepoint with your line tool, so let's make a line here and let's just make a squareor a rectangle, lets make a rectangle so we have this here and lets follow the red axis after following the green axis now i'm trying to gain access

lets go maybe here, now lets follow the green let'shold shift and go down and lets reference off of the endpoint of our first linesegment ok so we see the green dot and the green dot is the very end points of asegment or its the vertices so lets click and now let's click based off of the red axis onto the green now byconnecting our line segments into a rectangle we've created what is called aface, which is what i highlighted right here so we have our face, our line segments andour vertices in the corners, so now we've made our first rectangle so lets now experiment withthe other tools that we have in our toolbar at the very top of the screen sobesides the line tool we have an arc tool

now the arc tool you click in twodifferent places it creates an arc based off of those points it's like a quadraticformula you know it corresponds to the x intercepts your just creating the x so lets follow this line and go to the midpoint, your midpoint is going to be indicated by a blue dot, just like this righthere so you can click there and lets click on this other blue point here on the other side, so now we can expand itas much as we want until we click again for now lets go up the blue axis, lets make this interesting, lets do two inches. now as you can see its not acompleted sphere so let's try and finish it there, let's make this acomplete face

well let's do that by using our linesegment tool connecting and connecting by the two dots right there now we have this this halfcircle right there at the top of our rectangle. so now lets look at our other tools we've got a shaped tool which makes a rectangle rotated rectangle circle polygon willcome back to that in a minute let's go on to the block with an arrowon top that's your extrude and intrude or push and pull tool let's click on that now let's look atthe half circle we made and click on the highlighted face when you click on ityou can then move your mouse to extrude or intrude. now lets move to the very endof our rectangle. we can use the edge of our rectangle as a

reference point for how far we extrude.so lets click again and that ends our extrude let's do that on the other side let's clickthere on the other side of the face and move it to the very end and now we havea half cylinder right here well let's say we want to make a cylinder. lets go back to our toolbar here look back to where i said the shapes are at and lets click on the circle tool which is down here or you can hit "c" and lets click and expand the circle tools greatbecause it automatically makes for the most part a perfect circle and you canmake it. let's just click anywhere and we've got our circle now lets use our extrude tool at the top, click on it and make

it rise or lower, whichever one we want.i'm going to undo that and put it up here right so now we have a quick cylinder, now when it comes to drafting things in sketchup we need precision and accuracy, so lets go back toour line tool and will use this as a great example let's click somewhere and startfollowing the red axis again well in the very bottom right cornerhere is length this determines how long your linesegment is as you're moving it along now to make it a shape that you alreadywant, say a design you see or want to make what's type in the size we want soso lets do maybe for example 12 feet, so now that we typed 1 and 2 and hit "enter"so let me go off the green axis and type "1" and "2"

happening right here in the length in the bottom right so just watch there as i write "1" "2" and to make a foot you can use the dash mark, to make inches you use the double dash mark such as you know quoting something, so lets do that,do that along the red axis again and connect it alright so we have twelve by twelve and this works for our extruding tool the "push" "pull" tool so lets type 12 again, now we have thisgiant square, a cylinder, and a half cylinder now lets look at the other tools here's what we call the off set toolnow the opposite or is something you might not find yourself using at leastin the beginning and once you make decorative designs such as dresserdrawers or wall designs so it's still up

to our square as reference off with aface ok now click anywhere on the face and the rest of the offset tool createsan exact replica of the parameter and scales it a staff of where you end uplooking next and this could be great and differentinstances like i said it's great for such as window designs dresser drawerswall designs things like that so she's clicker a year now done that now you'rethinking okay well what do you say this because it's gonna be inaccurate everytime well actually we can go click on thisface and double click on it makes the exact same instance as the last one

let's do that on every single side ofthe face when it's highlighted right now we have these smaller squares and insidenow let's let's let's mess around with this really what some extra to seek anextra from your office or you can intrude so let's experiment with something withthe extra and true tool you can actually make the exact same reference just likehow we double clicked to make the exact same onset on each face of the squarewhat's on the top portion and drag it down and reference off of the line ofthe top square of the offset the midpoint

click now that we've done that we candouble click on any face any face and it will do the exact same reputation as howwe intruded by a certain measure so let's go to these site here talents double click and it and troopsjust like the top and we'll do that here do that here will do that here and thebottom of this kind of i don't know to call the switches say it's interestingcute now let's move on to another tool we have ourselves the rotation tool nowthe rotation tool is good when you have everything selected for example to goback to our arrow in the very top left of actual let's double click

triple click so i highlight everythingon this if you go back to our rotation on the boil and just struck out forrotation now you have to remember to select everything that is there and i'lltell you i was quick on a rotation and let's just say we clicked on the talker and we look again at the start rotatingand the starts happening this is strange rotation because really well rotatingcube or just rotating that that top there i mean it could make for someinteresting abstract art or just learning the basic concepts and you canhit ctrl z it's a ton do anything or go up to edit undo rotation so there issome basics right there we also have our

skelter our schedule is similar to theoffice set to 0 but not quite so let's click on the offset tool or the site mybad the scale tool and let's click on the top of this this this room here icare and what this does is it just kills you can choose to make your your withwider or your hair length or diagonals or just make it so i justgrabbed onto a science and try it out here is starting to look like star warsgiant shears anyways now we scale and interesting it's good for when you overscale when you just start drawing and used maybe she and you really justneeded to use inches so now we have the tape measure to the tape measure tool isgreat to figure out distances that he

used before so i forgot the dimensions of this junei need to figure that out we can use our tape measure tool click on one end andclick on the next and my legs and the bottom right corner tells me it's twelvefeet over the next click happens now let's move on to the store now thepaints who is an interesting tool now the reason i say that is because itworks it works fine in here but when it comes to well when it comes to exportingyour 3d designs and sue anything else lender or unity 3d you don't want totext 3d designing just to get a kick out of it or you're designing

concept of media project gonna do thengo ahead you so so so the right side is our marketing materials and sue accessthat you have to double click your pain icon right up there and we can go hereand let's make this a wooden i jus to the w school and that's one thingthat's going on in this series are would hear different you know patterns you canclick on whatever one wants more texture and you click on whatever surfacetexture so are tensions and just start clicking start now every single service for eachindividual texture you on now say there is a texture all the same texture can'tquite remember because i usually

designed in sketchup i do all my apt andeverything like that wonder i used so now we have ourtextured cubes here just great now let's move on so you actually you know roughlyabout all of the tools here so that's a no for the most part the very basics oftools and i think in my next video that i made i'm going to do an example of howto make something so that way so that way and get a better understanding ofthe tools and i can progress to even more harder projects so thank you forwatching and subscribing to join

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