wohnzimmer klein modern

wohnzimmer klein modern

well good morning good morning. good morning guys. today is a travel day and we're actually itsure is running a little bit late. so let's make this look down at my shoe atthe moment. like i am tying my shoes and we're runningout the door. we really don't have a second to spare. haha. okay, so basically we're currently in zadar. today we're taking the bus to split and thenthe ferry to hvar.

we've got a bit of a long connection so thatwill be great. maybe we'll do some sightseeing, maybe we'llget some work done but now let's do a quick apartment tour and let's get out of here. let's do it. alright sam, where are you going to take us? apartment tour time. world's fastest apartment tour. let's go into the kitchen. kitchen.

so we had a nice kitchen. oh and the best part were the views out here. we had amazing sunset views. i will throw overlays over that. okay, overlays. um, we had this was our little sink. little fridge. yeah, we didn't do a tonne of cooking here. we did some platters.

no, we found a really good restaurant whereto eat gnocchi with truffles. come into the bathroom quick. um, just your standard shower. shower. washer. we did a lot of loads of laundry here yesbecause we didn't have one in zagreb. um, yeah just a spacious bathroom. that is it. that's all there is to it.

can't say anything more. and dun dun so this is the living room. living room. nice and spacious and comfortable. yes. did lots of work here. yeah, it was really nice. oh, there was a heater. we had to use the heater because it was chillyin here.

it was cold at night. it was nice during the day. much colder in the apartment than it was outside. this is definitely this apartment is definitelysuited for the summer to keep it cool. um, in here. bedroom. standard bedroom dun dun duh. interesting art. and you know what?

art. we've gotta go. gotta go. off we go. update! update, we made it to the station with timeto spare. that was like a flat walk which was reallynice. so yeah, platform one. got our tickets.

we sure do. and what did you think of zadar? this was one of your must visit places. loved it. i loved it. it was amazing. wasn't it good? yeah, i think it may be my favorite destinationso far and then pula would be my second. it is really small.

especially like the old quarter where we werestaying in. yeah. but it is a great place to chill out and becausewe visited in the off-season there weren't too many people. i was talking to a waitress last night, iwent out for a pasta by myself. i was really hungry. sam wanted more truffle gnocchi. yeah, i went out by myself and i was talkingwith the waitress who worked in the restaurant because we were the only two people eating.

it was a holiday. yep. and she told me that in the summer it is absolutelybananas. so visiting bananas bananas so visiting inlate october was a really good idea. what a nice husband. nice husband alert. oh my. what did you get me? well, you'll have to open it up and see.

puff pastry with cheese. uh, i feel like i have allergies but i don't. actually you didn't quite have time for breakfastthis morning so. oh, and a spirally cinnamon roll. thank you. will that tide you over? you also have a banana. yeah, that will be good. that will be good enough?

maybe we'll have some seafood risotto whenwe arrive in split. something to look forward to. well, we've got how many hours there? we're going to arrive at like eleven something. i think we have about four hours. or four and a half hours. yeah, we've got a long time to kill. so yeah, we'll go have a nice leisurely lunchin split. sam is getting lunch for us.

woop woop. sam is looking for coins. sam is struggling with his coins. so the update is we have arrived here in split. and guess what? the bus terminal is right across from theferry terminal. it couldn't have been any more convenientlylocated. and we weren't sure which bus terminal wewere going to get dropped off at because there are two and one of them would have involveda 20 minute walk.

but we are right out on the water. it is just incredible. and that bus ride that was something spectacular. like the scenery was just stunning the wholeway. it almost felt like we were on a sightseeingtrip as opposed to like a normal bus ride. i just couldn't put my camera down so. yeah, you were filming the whole way. so you guys that is why i showed you guysnice long b-roll of the footage. alright, so now we are going to have lunch.

there is a whole bunch of restaurants likeright by the bus terminal. um, so we've found a kebab place. kebabs, fries. two kebabs, fries, iced tea and coke. to be precise. dun dun dun da la la da nun. oh, these are like really full kebabs. i know. my gosh!

they did not skimp out on toppings. yum! mmmmm. there is cheese in there. cheese? i know it is a little weird i've never hadcorn in a kebab. corn is a big deal in croatia. we've been noticing that. that makes its way into a lot of differentthings.

yeah, it is pretty good. i'm hungry. yeah, and all of this came to 82 kuna andincludes uh two big kebabs and also two drinks and some fries. and audrey insisted on? chips. so give those a try. with a little poking stick. poking stick.

did i just hear a cat? no, i think it is a squeaky door. mmmm. good? super hot. fresh. fresh out of the oil. well we've found a little quiet corner herein the ferry terminal. and sam is making me do math.

so let's talk prices. bus tickets, we booked them online with getby bus and it was 86 kuna per person which was about 13 us dollars. yeah, and that was coming from zadar thismorning. yeah, zadar to split. and then the ferry also booked it online withjadrolinija and it was 40 kuna per person which we said was 6 dollars? a little over 6 dollars. yeah, yeah.

so that is pretty good. and something to keep in mind is the bus waswhat 3.5 hours? it is not a very long distance but it madea lot of stops. lots of stops. like small villages along the way. and a half an hour break. yeah, so that is what made it take so long. but like i said the views were so nice i didn'tmind at all. anyways, now sam is going to go run aroundtown while i stay here guarding the luggage.

i'll do work and he'll film for you guys. we have a few hours to kill. four. i'm just going to show you guys some niceb-roll of the town. tata. alright guys time for another update. i had my little jaunt around split. it was wonderful. like this city is awesome.

and you're probably wondering like this isa pretty famous city in croatia. yeah, why are we skipping it right now sam? why are we skipping it? the reason being is that we're going to comehere next year with my parents. so in march. we're doing split and dubrovnik with them. exactly. so we're skipping it this time and going tohvar instead. but uh it certainly looks beautiful and yeahi can't wait to actually properly explore

here. okay, and now time to go find our ferry. yeah, we've killed all of the time. let's go. time to go. so sam wants to introduce you to karolina. not carolina. to our boat. karolina.

and this is boat looks like a high performancegazelle. not so much here but check it out from thefront. oh it looks like it is going to be a greatride. yeah? it should be nice and fast. think it is going to be an hour and five minutes. she is busy on the phone doesn't really wantto talk to me. what are you up to? i'm preloading maps so we can reach our hotelafterwards.

my goodness. are we in a good mood? yes? you're so weird. really? oh my gosh. what are you snacking on? chips and schweppes. we haven't even left the port and i'm alreadydizzy.

are you getting queasy? you don't have your sealegs today huh? i never do. we've arrived! oh my gosh we nearly missed our stop. so the bull. the bull. the boat pulls into the harbor. but we're sitting on the opposite side soi couldn't tell we had already docked.

and they didn't make an announcement thatwe had arrived so i thought we were still waiting to approach and then sam is like i'mgoing to go take some pictures. and then you realized people had gotten offthe boat and they were like loading the next set of passengers because apparently we'renot the final stop. no we're not. it stops in hvar and then it continues. and here is the thing like they were loadingthe final passengers getting on for the next ride and we had to just like sneak off rightat the end. so yeah, we are here.

that is ridiculous. they're putting the ramp away right now. yeah, we nearly got left on the boat. so next step is to find our apartment. apparently we have to walk up a hill. that is going to take 15 minutes. 20 minute walk actually. 15 to 20 minutes. so lead the way.

okay guys all is well in the universe. there is a dog. i know it is a very sweet dog outside. i did capture a bit of it. did you? when we were walking in yeah. but all is well in the universe we're goingto get some food. it has been a very long day. that was a super steep hill.

i stopped filming after a while. guys do not try walking from the harbor allthe way to the top to your accommodations if you're staying up on a hill because likeall of the streets are crooked. it is like a maze. we were going like up and down and up anddown up staircases and hills and oh my gosh drenched in sweat but anyways we're checkedin. we got upgraded. it is low season so the guy moved us overto like our own apartment. yeah, we have a bigger apartment.

we're only paying like $25 bucks a night andwe've got a beautiful apartment. it is off-season. we'll do a full tour of that but in the meantimedrinks are coming. oh, nice one. good music? i'm just thinking of the dog. i'm dancing along with you. bouncy images here. and how is that water?

does it taste a lot like water? ozujsko. and guess what guys? this is my new favorite beer. i haven't tried it. you haven't sipped it yet. i know i haven't tried it but i'm so thirstyi don't care what it tastes like. it is my new favorite beer because it is theone i'm having right at the moment. it is cold and it is tasty.

and uh it is local. it is what is on draft so yeah i'm in my happyplace. now i've just got to wait for my pizza. it has arrived. so quickly. we were still like perusing the menu likewhat can we have for our next meal tomorrow. and look at it. oh wow. i got the carbonara.

i was just craving some pasta. i've been eating a lot risotto like nonstopand pizza. croatian pizza. it looks nice and creamy. i hope it is. it is good. it is really good. it is so hot though. woah.

woo. it is very nice but yours is good. mine looks good too. pizza. well guys i'm going to be honest it has beena long day so i think we're going to sign off and just enjoy the food. woah woah woah. you have to show your pizza. are you kidding me?

okay. you need to taste the pizza. i will i'll show the pizza and then we'regoing to call it a night. okay sam want to give us a tour of your pizzaingredients. let's begin. take a look. so there is all kinds of different meat. that is one of the reasons i got it. this is the house specialty.

there is prosciutto. salami. smoked ham. all kinds. olives. mushrooms. tomatoes. mozza. tomato sauce.

and it is a cut if yourself pizza so i'vealready cut it and now it is time for a bite. oh man. it is really good meat. mmmmhmm. i'm so hungry. mmmhmm. so hungry. let's eat. zroom.

traffic. okay guys we picked up some groceries on theway back. we are absolutely destroyed. knackered. knackered to the next level. so we're going to say goodbye to you fromhere and yeah thanks for following along on this journey and we can't wait to show youaround hvar. bye.

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